Chapter 9

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Freen wakes up the next morning with much enthusiasm that she lacked for a while now. Something about the new day felt fresh. She walks towards the curtains to open them and the room immediately lights up.

She then heads to the kitchen to make some coffee. Once she is finished she settles down in the living room, with her upcoming project and coffee on the other hand. She wants to get some work done today. She doesn't want to slack off.

After a while, the doorbell rings and Freen is suddenly confused. Who could be here at this time? It was still early. Once she opens the door she sees Nam on the otherside, who is in her tracksuit probably going for a run. She immediately tries to shut the door in her face but Nam stops her.

"I'm not here to argue. Come with me for a run?" Nam pleads.


"Freen, I promise to tell you the next time I see husbands out walking dogs or with strange woman. I promise.....I'm sorry."

They both stand there looking at eachother for a moment.

"I know I'm sometimes the worst friend in the world...only sometimes....Not always." Freen nods, a slight smile on her face.

"I'm truly deeply sorry. I had no idea how deep he was in this. I'm honestly sorry."

Freen looks at her contemplating what to do.

"I'm your best friend so you have to make up with me." Nam says cheekily.

Freen shakes her head and smiles.

Once they are out on the run Freen feels the urge to talk to her about what happened last night.

"I went out last night. To a bar. And I had sex with a guy."

Nam immediately stops in her tracks looking at Freen stunned.


"Yes. No strings attached sex. Just like how everyone likes it." Freen says matter of factly.

"Are you serious?"


"Tell me everything." Nam says and drags Freen into the nearest cafe.

"It was a bit crazy. We chatted, we had some shots. And then I took him into the bathroom."

"You? You Freen Sarocha Chankimha? You had sex in a public bathroom and with a stranger. What is happening? The world must be ending."

"I don't know, it was exciting. The fact that we could be caught. It was thrilling. It kinda turned me on."

"I can't believe this is you. Why did you do it?"

"I just wanted to see what will happen if I let everything go. Let myself free."

But who is truly free?

We're all prisoners of our fears, of our past, of our arbitrary concepts of right and wrong.

Happiness always lives there: alongside guilt, alongside danger, alongside fear.


That morning Freen decides to go back to see Becky, but once she gets there, Freen walks into Becky who is on the way to the bathroom wearing nothing but just her pink panties.

“Oops! I’m sorry.” Freen turns away, feeling embarrassed to have seen Becky's perky breasts by accident.

“ I should be the one saying sorry.” Becky apologizes. “I need to remember I have a housemate now and can’t be walking around naked. I’m sorry, it's a habit.”

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