Chapter 22

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Freen wakes up the next morning and she doesn’t wake with the expected sight of Becky cuddled against her, instead she is woken by a far, far better one. It was late at night when Freen made it to Pattaya and instead of talking about everything that happened, she found herself heading to bed with Becky. Not to sleep obviously.

Becky has woken up before Freen and crawled under the covers and has her head between Freen's thighs, causing Freen to wake up with incredible pleasure. In fact, Freen knows that it most definitely is the favorite way she has ever been woken, and she makes note to attempt to wake Becky in a similar fashion someday soon.

“Ohhhhh.” Freen moans as she opens her eyes.

Becky doesn’t say a word to Freen, she just continues to give Freen incredible pleasure.

Eventually Freen completely comes undone, closing her thighs around Becky's head, forcing her to keep her head in place, and Becky is all too happy to oblige.

After a few more rounds as Freen comes down from the untold pleasure that Becky gave her, Becky crawls up the bed and takes Freen in for a tender kiss. Freen can taste herself on Becky's lips.

“Hmmm morning.” Freen hums into the kiss.

“Hi.” Becky smiles.

“That was a lovely way to be woken, darling.” Freen says.

Becky gives Freen a goofy smile.

“Well, seeing as we both were too tired last night and couldn’t go for round two, I thought we could make up for that this morning.” Becky grins.

Freen grins back at Becky and takes her lover in for a passionate kiss.

“That sounds like an excellent idea. Now, let me return the favor.” Freen grins with a wicked smile.

Freen and Becky proceed to spend the morning making love to each other once more, it is different from the previous night however. Last night it was filled with a sort of forceful sexually charged passion. It was hot, heavy and aggressive. But this morning Freen and Becky are tender and, oh so caring, with each other. That said, this doesn’t stop them from completely devouring each other. In fact, unlike last night where they kept their sexual escapade in Becky's bedroom, this morning the two begin in the bedroom, giving each other a few orgasms each, before they soon move into the shower. In the shower the couple bathe one another, touching up and down each other’s naked bodies, which ultimately leads to another round of love making, and then a need to wash once more. It was a vicious cycle really. Well, not that vicious.

Both women could of course go at each other all day long, but they knew that they couldn’t really do that, as there are some things that are needed to be said.

They are both finishing up getting dressed in the bedroom when Becky's phone rings.

Freen observes Becky who was quite animated talking on the phone. She wonders who Becky might be talking to. Once she hung up, Becky come straight to Freen who looks at her curiously.

"That was the courier service. Actually after I came home yesterday while I was cleaning, I found a receipt hidden inside one of the floor boards. The day before he died Saint send something to the house we found in Phuket. I called them to know about the package since we didn't find anything like that in the house. They said that there was some delay and it was delivered late." Becky explains.

"So you think it's the ledger?" Freen asks surprised and suddenly catching up.

"Yes and I think it's in that house."

Freen shoots her a big smile, "What are we waiting for? Let's go."

"Don't you have this big investment meeting for the building you designed today?" Becky asks surprised that Freen forgot about something that important.

"Shit! I forgot about that." She curses.

"Well don't worry. I will go to Phuket and get the book. You go ace your meeting." Becky suggests smiling.

"Are you sure?" Freen asks nervously.


Freen nervously shifts her weight side to side, her mind overcome with worry. "Please be careful."

Becky closes the distance to Freen and takes her in for a tender kiss then hugs her. "I will."

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