Chapter 28

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Billy looked up and noticed two new people entering the bar. Both of the men's gaze was on him. He immediately recognized the two and felt unease washing over him.

"You know who I'm, so let's skip the introductions. And I'm sure you know why we are here." Commanded one of the men. Billy cocked his head to the side and looked at the man questioningly.

Billy immediately stood up as if to leave, "Detective Heng, what is going on?" He asked.

"Just sit down Billy. We only want to talk." Heng replied.

"Talk about what?" Billy asked looking at the man who he knows as Richard Armstrong.

"The day Saint died. We know you went to meet him that night." Stated Richie.

"Don't even try to deny it. Tell us what really happened." Heng glared at Billy.

His shoulders slumped in defeat. He was tired of fighting, tired of lying, tired of carrying the weight of the truth alone, he no longer had any energy left. Time has come, time to tell the truth. He took a deep breath as he thought about that day.

"He was supposed to show up with the money and he didn't. I had called him all day, but he wasn't picking up. I didn't know where he was. And when he finally took my call it was the next day and he was being weird. He asked for time, he said he needed to do something. I didn't know what was going on."

"You thought he'd take off with the money." Said Heng.

"You thought that asshole was going to screw you over. So you stormed over to Pattaya looking for him. Yes or no?" Richie yells.

Billy swallows thickly running a hand through his hair in frustration, "If he runs, they would kill me for sure. Saint was like a brother to me. A brother who's good at everything. I did everything he did. I didn't understand why he was with Becky when he had someone as amazing as Freen...but I went along with it. I always said 'fine'. And, in the end..I've become a piece of shit like him."

"A piece of shit and a murderer." Richie spat.

Billy huffs, "I'm not a murderer."


"What the fuck is going on?" Billy stormed towards Saint who was standing in the docks.

Saint seemed lost looking far out into the lake.

"Where's the money?" He yelled angrily grabbing Saint by his shoulders and turning him to face him. His eyes were blood shot from crying, few tear drops still streaming down his face. For a second Billy's heart pained for his friend.

Saint wiped the tears in his eyes, "I couldn't leave. I...I couldn't do a damn thing. Becky broke up with me. She left. It's like the ground's been torn from under me. But I can't leave her. This wasn't the life I wanted, Billy. It wasn't. I didn't choose to be in love with two women. I tried to stop it. I tried so hard. I tried, Billy. I really tried. I called hour ago. I told her I wanted us to have a baby. I wanted to start over, but five minutes later Becky came back and I couldn't leave."

Any control Billy had was lost at that specific moment. Saint has been lying to his best friend for a long time, but this, having a child, that was the last straw. He won't stand on the sides and watch him hurt Freen. Not anymore.

"You told your wife you want to have a baby, and then the next minute you wanna get back with Becky?" He spat, grabbing Saint by his collar.

"Jesus, Saint. You've spent all this time believing this bullshit about being in love with two women. It's not true. You're in love with one and you lie to the other. Just like you do with the IRS, your daughter and everyone else. You're friends with a pimp whose money you launder.

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