Chapter 18

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Becky pours herself a glass of wine. She pours some into another glass. She expects Freen to arrive soon after receiving her message.

Some time later, Becky hears the sound of a vehicle arriving nearby and guesses it must be Freen.

Once they settle down in the porch, Becky brings out several stacks of what seems like receipts.

"I have something to tell you." Becky says with an anxious smile.

"What is it?" Freen asks.

"When I went to get Saint's car from the impound they told me the car had several tickets."  She pauses bringing the tickets closer to Freen so she could take a look.

"He had loads actually, but this one is for speeding."

Freen nods in understanding.

"He was going at 105kmph."

"I never saw him driving like that." Freen says surprised.

"Me neither."

"But look at the last few tickets.

It was two days before and he came back the day he died.

I suppose that's when we got into the argument. He was like a mad man, hanging by a loose thread."

"Where was he going?" Freen asks rather impatiently now.

"All the tickets from the last two months
are in Phuket."

Freen's eyes widen in surprise.

"Phuket? That's where he used to work in the beginning. Why would he go there after he was fired?"

"I have no idea.

But he was always going there."

Freen folds her arms as she considers. Becky watches as Freen goes into some train of thought.

"I think we have to go.

Together." Freen offers to which Becky smiles widely.

"I'm glad to catch you both together. I guess the misunderstandings are long gone?" A voice greets them.

Becky frowns as she sees Heng standing infront of her house, "Why are you here?"

"Come on Becky! You forgave her, but you can't forgive me? I'm your best friend." He says gesturing to Freen who was sitting near her with a guilty expression.

Becky sighs as she rubs her temples with her forefinger and thumb. "Yes, you are my best friend. Yet you deceived me."

"Freen? Help me out here please."

Freen looked like a lost little puppy, pleading, "Please don't drag me back into it. Only God knows how hard it was for me to earn her forgiveness."

He shakes his head, before his expression stiffens again, "Fine. I'm here on official business."

"Good. Because we also found out something that we would like to tell you." Freen says trying to diffuse the tension.

"Becky went to the impound
to get Saint's car, yesterday.

She found out he had several tickets
for speeding and they're all in the same place, Phuket."

"Phuket?" He asks surprised.

"The last ticket is from a few hours before he died. And we were thinking we should go and check it out." Becky finishes for Freen.

"No, I don't want either of you doing
anything without telling me about it.

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