Chapter 12

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"I, Saint Suppapong, Thailand national
with ID number 4-8547-01245-28-9, write this holographic will with the intent to leave all the financial assets contained within all of my bank accounts to my daughter, Lyra Suppapong Armstrong, including all shares related to the same." Becky was infront of the lawyer who was reading Saint's will.

"Sorry? The money from all his accounts?" She was indeed shocked.

"That's correct."

"Seeing as your daughter is a minor, you yourself will be in charge of those assets. As a trustee."

"No, I don't want Saint's money." Becky immediately says.

"He left it to your daughter, not you."

She scoffs, "Well, I don't want it for her."

"Look, Saint had another life. He had another wife..." She tries to reason.

"According to article 166 of the civil code, you can't deny your child's rights
as the beneficiary. Nor can you levy
or transfer her property." The lawyer explains the situation delicately.

"I can't refuse it?" Becky asks in realization.

"Not without just cause and prior authorization from the Department of Justice."

"But that would mean renouncing all
your daughter's rights to those assets."

This was not at all what Becky expected. She was sure this will add more pain to Freen. She had no idea how to handle this situation.


"Well, we don't know who broke the window, but I'm almost certain it wasn't a burglar. It must have been a raccoon looking for a sandwich." Heng says holding Lyra in his arms trying to calm the girl down.

"Look at what it did, Lyra! I think it wanted to fill its belly with chips." Freen adds kneeling down infront of the girl and ruffling her hair.

"You're sleepy. Shall we go to bed, darling?" She asks to which Lyra shakes her head no.

"Just for a while?" She pleads.


"Come on." Freen says taking the girl into her arms.

"Go back to the station and get this to the lab, stat." Heng says to the other officers who were examining the scene.

"You're good with kids." Freen says coming back to the living room.

"Yeah. My wife didn't want any."

He stops as if reminiscing.

"I know I could have convinced her,
but in the end I got a dog."

Freen could see the genuine longing in his eyes.

"Did you tell Becky?" He asks.

"She's not answering, she's at the reading of the will." She pauses looking at him expecting judgement. Luckily he hadn't asked about why she was in Becky's bed the other day. Even if he asks she doesn't have an answer.

"I didn't want to go." She adds.

He only nods not wanting an explanation.

"Do you think they took anything of Saint's?" She asks trying to change the subject.

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't know...He was involved in illegal dealings. Do you think this could have anything to do with some sort of mafia?"

"Mafia? No, I don't think so."

"Saint was an expert in financial engineering and he helped neighbors
with their businesses and I think that's all he did." He adds.

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