Chapter 4

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In a moment of pure rage, Freen stormed out of her office, got in her car and started driving with absolutely no destination in mind. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move past the hurt and betrayal she felt. She was more than shocked to find herself staring at the yellow house again. What was she thinking coming out here of all places? Luckily nobody seems to be home which gave her the perfect opportunity to leave unnoticed.

She got in her car to drive back. As she was driving herself through the unfamiliar roads, she wondered how often did Saint drove through these same roads? She was so lost in her thoughts that she totally misinterpreted hitting the brake when the car infront of her suddenly stopped. She found herself crashing into the steering wheel. Her vision turned blurry. She saw someone frantically getting out of the car and coming to her side opening the door for her and helping her out. The pain was shooting through her head, as she looked at her hands she saw blood. She must have cut her head.

"Are you okay?" The lady asked, genuine concern in her voice.

Freen slowly regained her vision as she looked at the woman, her heart almost came to a stop. It was Becky. Out of all the cars, she hit her's. Becky also seems to recognize her.

"Aren't you the lady who appeared in front of my house last week?"

Freen nodded. Becky gave her a genuine smile which almost melted Freen's heart.

"Why don't you come with me to my house? I can help clean up the wound, you can't drive in this condition."

Freen really wanted to reject the offer, but she had a point, Freen was in no condition to drive, so she reluctantly nodded and joined Becky in her car.


Freen was looking around the house like a hawk, this was her first time inside. The house was really cozy, simple and homely. She could picture Saint living here.

Becky on the other hand was cleaning up and dressing her wound with such expertise that Freen wondered whether the woman was a nurse. She doesn't seem like a doctor. Freen almost wanted to ask. But she stopped herself.

"Are you okay?" Freen asked instead.

"As good as I can be." Freen understood perfectly. She felt the same way.

"What are you doing here?" Becky asked in between her work.

Freen's eyes widened in alarm. She had no idea what to say.

"Oh! I... I'm a biologist. I'm studying birds in this area."

"What kind of birds?"

What kind of birds were found here? She had no clue so she said something that came to her mind. "Huh...Magpies"


Freen sighs. "Yes."

"I'm Becky by the way."

That's when Freen realized that they haven't even introduced themselves. What was she gonna do now? She can't introduce herself as Freen. So she said the first name that came to her mind.

"Sam. I'm Sam." She tried so hard not to stutter.

Becky gave her a quick smile.

"You are doing this perfectly. Are you by any chance..."

"A nurse. Yes. I work in a local hospital here. I only go when they are short staffed. I just love being in nature. This is my home, work and everything." Becky says gesturing towards the outside of the house.

"You are a force of nature."

Becky chuckles, "You could say that."

Freen takes a deep breath, it was so refreshing to be out here away from the busy city that she was used to,  "It's relaxing out here. Like watching a movie."

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