Chapter 5

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Freen moves into the yellow house the next day. Since she was in mourning she could take flexible leave at work. So, Freen decided to take this opportunity to go on her own undercover wildlife illustrator role to get close to Becky.

Right now she was outside the house playing soccer with Lyra. It was early morning. Lyra was ready to go to school. They were waiting for the school bus to arrive when Lyra insisted Freen play with her. At the cute face of the little girl Freen easily crumbled.

"......and what a match this is. It's Lyra on the attack, she turns left...right and goes for goal...."

".....and she scores...." Freen screams before both of them jumps up and down in joy. Lyra runs to Freen and jumps into her arms, who picks her up, twirling her around.

Just then Becky comes out of the house with Lyra's backpack with a wide smile. She watches the two messing with eachother totally unaware of the world around them.

"Come on's time to go." Becky announces before moving towards the two and joining them on the embrace. It takes Freen by surprise when two slender and strong arms wraps around her, it felt perfect, the three of them fit perfectly together in the embrace.

"Let's go." Becky says extending her hands for Lyra to take.

"Don't I get a goodbye kiss?" Freen fake pouts.

Lyra wraps her arms around Freen's neck before placing a kiss on her cheeks.
After which she takes Becky's hands who was looking at Freen with an intense gaze, one that Freen was unable to decipher.

Freen looks at the two departing figures with mixed feelings.

At Becky's house, there is an upper floor room that is rather spacious, except for a couple of boxes filled with documents. There were various photographs pasted on the wall. It wasn't easy to look at considering it was all Saint, Becky and Lyra. A happy family.

"Sorry, those are Saint's stuff. I will clear it to make space for you." Becky informs when she showed the room to her new tenant.

"No, leave it. The room is big enough and I won't stay more than a few weeks anyway." Freen tells her house mate.

"Atleast let me remove those pictures." Becky says walking towards the wall taking a box with her before starting to tear the pictures and putting them in the box.

Seeing her, Freen could understand that Becky was having a hard time doing this. She could relate to it. She still didn't have the strength to empty out Saint's things from their house. It was all still there in their house. His clothes still hanging in their shared wardrobe.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes." Becky says sniffling. Freen didn't like that she was making this woman suffer more.

"Maybe I should look for another place. This is a bad idea." Freen says trying to walk away.

But Becky catches her wrists stopping her, "I want you to stay." There was a moment's silence where they stood staring at eachother.

Becky let go of their intertwined hands before clearing her throat and started speaking, "It will be fine. Besides I could use the company. And Lyra already loves you."

"Also you don't have to worry, your guy can also stay when he comes over."

Freen was puzzled for a moment before she notices Becky's gaze on her wedding ring. She should have removed it.

"There's no guy." She says walking away trying to unpack her bags.

"I don't even know why I wear this anymore."

"What happened?"

"He left me. For another woman."


"Yes. I guess making love to the same person for ten years could be boring."

"Was it for you?.. Boring I mean."

"No. I thought we had a pretty active sexual life."

"And there was passion?"

"I hope so."

"Maybe you should try something else."


"Maybe you should have slept with someone else?"

"What? No. I was in love."

"So?" Becky questions.

"I'm talking about sex. It doesn't have to mean anything. It's as natural as breathing."

"But.." Freen begins.

"Sex is pure instinct." Becky walks closer, taking Freen's hands into her own, "I have had my fair share of flings. But the only person I ever wanted to wake up next to was Saint."

They held their gaze for a few moments, "A good fuck can change a terrible day into a good one."

Freen eyes widen in surprise before she breaks away after a while finding the emotions too much to hold onto, she looks around the room in despair, "What if we painted the room?"

Becky looks at her in amusement and question.

"I know it can't be good as a fling but it can still change the day." Freen adds.

They both chuckles.

"Ok, I'll leave you to unpack while I make some tea. Come downstairs when you feel like having some home made raspberry tea and then we will head to the shop to get the paint and supplies." Becky offers.

"Thank you, Becky." Freen nods in appreciation. "Do you always make your own drink?"

"Did you not notice that greenhouse next door? I love to plant. Fruits, vegetables. You name it. What do you think I do here?" Becky tells her new friend.

"Nice. I'd love a greenhouse tour later too." Freen smiles at that.

"Sure, Sam. Anytime." Becky smiles back as she heads downstairs.

As Freen unpacks her stuff, she keeps staring at the boxes carrying her husband's stuff. She wants to check it out but notes that it is better to snoop late at night when Becky thinks she's asleep. Freen's room after all does not have a door, just a staircase leading up to her room and Becky can pop in any time.

One thing was sure the woman was becoming more and more intriguing to Freen as each day passes.

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