Chapter 24

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All that you do, big or small, eventually blows up in your face. In ways you could never have imagined. The fact is, people should live life and enjoy themselves, without thinking about what's next.

Take Freen for example, she was constantly worrying about the effects of things before even trying them out. Her husband had to die first to get her to enjoy life instead of watching it pass her by. And is she in a bad way? No! She's happier than she's ever been. Sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith.

"Hey." Becky was outside, sitting in the porch when Freen drove in.

"Hi." Becky replied still looking away in thought.

"Do you have the notebook? I'm going to give it to Billy." Freen said taking a seat next to her. She wanted to kiss Becky and say Hi when she came in, but she didn't know if becky would be okay with that. Thinking about it, she realizes that they are yet to act like a couple, there are things she didn't know about Becky, about what she is comfortable with and whatnot.

"I gave it to Heng."

Freen's eyes widens in surprise, "What? We agreed I'd give it to Billy."

"I know."

"You know?" Freen asks dumbfounded. Becky had this distant look that didn't help the situation either, "What do I tell Billy? He has a mob boss after him, they'll boil him alive."

"I don't give a shit about Billy. Is it my fault he decided to work with those people?" Becky finally makes eye contact with Freen and she swears she saw a million emotions pooling in them.

"Of course not, but we have to help him."

"What I want is for Saint's killer to be caught. Don't you?" 

"Of course I want to catch his killer."

"Then how can you give him the notebook? That's why I gave it to Heng."

Freen is not pleased with what Becky did but that's not really why she feels so angry right now, "It's not just that. We wanted to give it to Billy for him to not get killed. If we're in this together,
you can't just go at it alone. You say that you hate lies, then why did you go to Heng and give him the book when I specifically told you to keep it until I'm back. Tell me that's not lying. What else are you hiding?"

Becky looks down at her hands, "There is this guy that Saint constantly met up with in Phuket. But Heng doesn't know who he is yet."

"Do you?"

"I might."

Freen scoffs, "Great, what else?"

"Saint was sick before he died. He was depressed. I told him that if he was depressed, that we were in this together. That I wouldn't leave him. That I'd be there for him. Freen, I don't ever want to go at it alone. Not anymore. Understand?" Becky says standing up, Freen does the same and nods in response.

"Good. And...what have you not told me?" Becky asked this time.

"That I was his wife."

"Right, but I already know that. What else?"

Freen didn't know if saying this was a good or a bad idea but she was not going to keep secrets from Becky, not anymore, "He called a few hours before he tell me he wanted a baby."

Becky stays frozen for a second before she marches inside the house, Freen followed her silently after, "You know what? I'm tired. I'm tired of dealing with everything, of being alone. Of not being prejudiced or spraying blame like a sprinkler. It's like living on an iceberg. And honestly, I feel like I need a little stability. Even if it's just that. Just a little. I've spent the last six years living a half-life. I can't do it anymore."

Becky walk towards Freen and comes to a stop in front of her, "I don't want to be alone. But now I have someone by my side who I can call in the middle of the night and she comes. And that's exactly what I need. Someone home for dinner every night."

"And I'm here, aren't I?" Freen says taking Becky's hands into hers, "What more do you need? I will move to Pattaya. I will stay here with you if that's what you want."

Becky steps back, "No. I don't want that. Like I said before I never asked Saint to choose and that was a mistake that led us both into this disaster. I wanted to give you a choice, one last time."

"And I still choose you. I would every single time." Freen says.

"Good. Because there is something I want to tell you about me, my family, and my life. And you don't need to move in with me cause I will be moving back to Bangkok. There are somethings that I need to do. Because now I know who the enemy is and I know exactly how to bring them down. I wanted to know whether you were in or not before dragging you into it by myself." Becky says which takes Freen by surprise but it's only for a second soon a smile replaces the surprise as she says,

"I'm all the way in."

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