Chapter 8

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Freen was panicking internally. They are all related!! And they all knew about Becky's relationship with Saint?! A married man? Who's her husband?! That was why the detective acted a little strange when he was talking to her back at the station!?

But if he blows her cover, she will never get more answers!

"Sam, come meet my best friend. Don't worry he's super nice!" Becky calls out again.

"Ermm.. I'm still unpacking. Give me a few minutes!" Freen gives the time-stalling excuse.

"Okay, take your time!" Becky replies.

Wait a minute! Why should she be the one panicking now? The detective was the one who should be exposed for hiding Becky and Saint's relationship from her in the first place, right? He should be the one facing Freen and revealing why he hid some information from her, right?

Right?! Fuck it!

Freen tells herself to get a grip and face the detective as well as a potential confrontation with Becky. It will happen sooner or later anyway. Freen takes a deep breath as she readies herself. She moves towards the stairs.

As she descend the steps she feels eyes on her. Heng looked bewildered for a moment but he soon composes himself. Freen was telling herself she is ready. But she felt great sadness. If Becky finds out the truth this way, she will never forgive her. She wasn't ready to lose Becky or Lyra. In a matter of few days they had already become a significant part of her. Maybe it is part of her grief.

"Detective Heng." He extends his hand and introduces himself.

For a second Freen was confused why he was acting like he didn't know her. But Freen soon realized he was only keeping up an act in front of Becky. His judgmental look bore into her.

"Sam." She shakes his hand.

"I better go. If you need anything, meet me at the station." He says looking at Freen.

Was he telling her to follow him?


Then the detective is out of the house and driving off.

Phew! Freen lets out a sigh of relief. No drama after all. But how long can she keep her cover here? She needs to prepare herself for a confrontation anytime. 

Freen falls silent drowning in her thoughts. She feels it this time. Anger. Everyone could have stopped them. Billy, Heng, the whole town? But Saint and Becky just kept going.   

Becky notices the awkward silence from Freen again. "Hey.." She asks in concern. "if you're uncomfortable with me talking about my relationship with a married man, please say so. I won't talk about it. In fact, I shouldn't talk about it at all. He's dead and I'm just...that other woman who should not matter anymore."

"I'm not judging you, Becky." Freen feels the need to clarify.

"But everybody judges. It's a normal reaction and I get it. My friends did so at first and advised me to end it..but..." Becky shakes her head and sighs deeply. "I'm sorry I'm not a good person, Sam."

Freen doesn't know how to respond to that. A part of her wants to shout YES BITCH! What you did was wrong and hurtful! But another part of her wants to comfort Becky.

In the end Freen decides to change the subject and tells her. "It's a nice day, I should go and take some photos."

With that, Freen leaves the remorseful woman behind and jumps into her car, headed to the station, whether Heng meant to tell her to follow or not, she needed some answers.

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