Chapter 10

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While Freen is packing more stuffs to bring to her new place she gets a phone call from Billy. He sounds rather anxious.

"Freen, I need your help." He tells her. "It's very important."

"What is it, Billy?"

"Saint has kept a very important item and I can't find it in the office. Without it, my client..." Billy sighs. "I will be in big trouble with the client."

"Okay, what kind of item?" Freen asks.

"It's actually an accounting book, a ledger. The client had him record in writing in a blue leather book some years ago before I took over the account..."

"You guys still do books as in physical books? Whatever happened to your smart accounting software?" Freen can't help but ask.

"This client wants traditional book-keeping." Billy adds. "And pays well enough for us to agree to his terms in using the old ledger book method."

"Ok, I'll try to find it but I really don't recall seeing any blue book in the apartment." Freen tells Billy.

"Thanks, Freen. Try looking in your safes or any secret compartment. Maybe shoe boxes and such?" Billy suggests.

"Why would he keep a ledger in a shoebox?" Freen wonders out loud.

Billy pauses for a while before answering. "I don't know. You said you don't recall seeing it at all so he may have hidden it somewhere obscure?"

"Fine! I'll find every corner and let you know." Freen agrees.

"Thanks, Freen. And if you find it, you're a savior!" Billy thanks her. When they hang up, Freen goes into the treasure hunt for that blue ledger. After an hour of searching and finding nothing close to a blue book, she decides to end her search in her apartment. Perhaps she should try her luck at Becky's place later.

But she and Becky have dinner plans today so maybe she will try and search after that.


Becky's hair smells of sweet lavender and vanilla. Freen thinks she likes Becky's shampoo a little too much as she let herself lean closer into her hair, her chin resting lightly over Becky's shoulder. Her arms are wrapped around Becky's slim waist as they ride on Becky's little scooter into town.

They are on the way to a popular restaurant in Pattaya for dinner. It was a short 20 minute ride but it was an experience she would never forget. Just like the first time, she felt free with the wind and Becky's body warmth and sweet-scented hair was a plus.

"Did you just order a burger?" Becky looks a little surprised at her dinner companion's choice. "You don't look like a burger kind of person."

"What do you mean by that? I love burgers. I don't have to look like some trucker to love burgers, Becky." Freen retorts playfully.

"I'm just saying you should've said so, so I could've made some burgers for you at home. And you seemed like a strict diet person too. You don't seem to like carbs." Becky clarifies.

"Well, I am. Kinda. I guess you have been noticing. But let's just say I decided to make today my cheat day." Freen shrugs.

"Okay but I'm sorry for not joining you to cheat today. I'm too used to being a vegetarian." Becky admits.

"Don't they have vegan burgers here? That would still be cheating without breaking your vegan rule, right? Join the burger club!" Freen suggests.

"You're right!! But I think it's too late to change my pasta order." Becky voices her disappointment.

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