Chapter 19

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"I think we need to talk." Freen says as she sets the table for their dinner.

Becky comes holding the dishes which she sets on the table, "We have been talking. What is it?"

Freen's expression turns serious, "Tell me what you really want. But this time make it clear without complicating it with more words."

Becky takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes in thought. She knows the answer. She had known the answer for some time already. Something she has never asked of Saint for years but now, she actually wants it.

“I want you to choose me..” she confesses. “Choose me, Freen.”

Freen stares at Becky, “Yes, choose me and no one else.... not some random stranger in a bar. ME! Just Me!” Becky elaborates. She’s really letting it all out.

Freen is just staring at Becky. She knows Becky had all those years never asked Saint to choose. But now she's asking Freen to choose her?

“Also, I’m sorry but I can’t do casual with you. You can never be a quick fuck. Because I feel too...much for you by now. It’s confusing, I know.” Becky clarifies. “But for the first time in my life, I actually feel…. Selfish? I'm scared but at the same time I'm happy. I can’t deal with you dating others, casual or not. I'm just extremely uncomfortable with it. Like I just want you to be mine. Just mine.”

Before Becky finishes rambling, she is interrupted by Freen's proclaiming “I choose you! I chose you a long time ago. I have fallen for you quite hard, Becky."


“When did you first know that you were falling for me?” Becky broke the comfortable silence as they settle down for dinner.

“I did not notice I was falling and cannot calculate the exact trajectory.” Freen quirked a brow at the unexpected question.

Becky stifled her smile at Freen's response.

“Truth be told, Freen, I have never been one for the phrase falling in love.”

“How so?” Freen sat back curious.

“People say they fall in love. But what is the definition of to fall? To come or go down quickly from a high place, to let yourself come or go down to a lower position, to become less, to lose value.” Becky put her fork down and sat back. “Falling is uncoordinated; a generally unconscious act. No one wants to fall.”

“That is true.” Freen gave a nod of agreement. “The body instinctively tries to reach out, to brace itself against it. Falling is not something we want to do in any other circumstance.”

“Exactly. So why is it allowed in love?” Becky took a sip of water. “It’s much better to rise in it.”

“To rise?”

“Yes. Rise, to move upward, to become higher, to advance to a higher level, to become stronger, to be or become better, to make the special effort.” Becky gave a slight apologetic wince realizing how she sounded and cleared her throat.

“I see…”

“Do you?”

“Yes." Freen reached out and grasped Becky's hand, understanding there was more there in her words.

Becky gave Freen's hand a teasing squeeze and winked, “…you didn’t exactly answer the question.”

Freen chuckled, returning the squeeze. “I cannot tell you when I began falling, because it’s not the falling - the travel to the destination if you will, that I noticed, but the sudden landing in realization that I arrived. However, once I got over the shock that I in fact had fallen, I can tell you exactly when I chose to rise in it…”

Becky blushed and gestured for her to continue. “It was the day you told me to leave and never look back again. It was the day I feared that you might actually hate me. And my entire world collapsed. And I realized I needed to rise above it, my fears, and face the reality, my feelings head on. And that's what I did...."

Becky held Freen's eyes to her intently, never straying "And here we are..." Freen finished smiling.

"Will you ever feel the same way?"

Freen's dumbass question is answered by a crushing kiss from Becky.

“Mmm..” Freen takes the kiss in with so much desperation. They wrap each other in their arms and limbs as if it all fits perfectly. This time, they fill each other up in the kiss, going all in because they are fulfilling the want that had been building for several weeks between them.

Gosh, Becky is such a good kisser, that Freen thinks she might die of pure contentment and desire. She can feel Becky's hands moving under her shirt now and Freen moans at the skin on skin contact.

Oh, she must miss sex a lot because her hands are exploring under Freen's shirt, and Freen is surely not wearing any bra.

Freen gasps in pleasure, and unintentionally releases her lips from Becky's momentarily when Becky fondles her right boob.

“Sorry, too soon?” Becky checks when Freen breaks their kiss.

Freen gathers her thoughts and shakes her head in response.

Freen connects their lips again more hungrily. “We have ears in the other room. If we don’t want to traumatize my daughter, you have to be quiet.” Becky let out inbetween.

“Right.” Freen nods eagerly still devouring and getting devoured by the other woman.

Becky extends her arm for Freen to take as she leads them to their bed.

Without wasting another second Freen pressed Becky against the bed and started kissing her. Becky moaned at the kiss as her hands started roaming all over Freen's body. Freen quickly returned the action sighing as she finally got her hands on Becky's perfect breasts. Becky moaned softly her hips grinding against Freen's for a moment as Freen gripped her hard enough to make her wince in pleasure and pain.

“Easy there tiger, we have all the time in the world, Freen.”

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