Chapter 21

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Freen is the first to wake, still snuggled in Becky's arms. She feels so happy and peaceful, she doesn’t want this feeling to ever end. She could literally lay like this all day. But the sharp sound of the doorbell destroys her peace. Not wanting to wake Becky up, she rushes to the door to open up.

Nam stood on the other end.

"It's 7 in the morning, Nam." Freen said exasperated.

"I know. Can I come in?"

Freen sighs and opens the door wider.

"You want some coffee?" Freen asks joining Nam in the living room.

"Can you make it tea?"

Freen looks at her surprised for a minute before answering, "Sure." She has never known Nam to be someone to turn down coffee that too in the morning.

"Is there something to eat?" Nam asks before proceeding to the kitchen like she owns the place.

"I can make you something."

"Is that apple? That'll do." Nam says already biting into the apple like she hasn't eaten anything for days.

Some time pass by as Freen makes the tea and Nam is busy devouring the apple.

"Here's your tea. Now talk." Freen says sitting across her in the living room couch.

Nam looks at her surprised and then shrugs as if there is nothing to talk.

"You aren't here in my doorstep at 7 in the morning for nothing. Spill it."

Nam pauses for a while and then blurts it out, "I'm pregnant."

Freen looks at her awestruck for a few seconds before she is almost literally jumping up and down in joy, "Oh my God! Congrats!! That's a great news!"

"It is. Isn't it?" Nam asks sounding skeptical.

Freen looks at her like she has suddenly gone crazy, "What are you talking about? Of course it is. You guys have been trying for so long."

"Yeah." She answers disheartened.

Freen's smile turns into a frown, "Wait! Why aren't you happy?"

"I'm happy. It's just.." She trails off.

"It's just what?"

"We haven't been expecting. And this is like the worst time."

Freen raises a brow in question, "All I hear are excuses. Tell me what's really bothering you."

Nam shakes her head in denial.

"I know you too well. So don't even bother to lie." Freen insists.

"I'm afraid of being a mother. What if I mess this up?" Nam says suddenly on the verge of tears.

"You won't." Freen says firmly.

"How do you know that? What if I'm a bad mother and my child hates me?" Nam says, her head in her hands, as she tries to control the over pouring emotions. She blames it on the hormones.

Freen chuckles, taking Nam's hand into her's she speaks, "I know because look at me. I never pictured myself being a mother, good or bad. It wasn't in my plans. But the moment I saw Lyra, I fell in love with her, the rest just came naturally. And I know you, you are gonna be a wonderful mother." She says with a big smile on her face.

The two friends look at each other like they hung up the stars. "I needed that." Nam says squeezing Freen's hands.

"That's what friends are for."

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