Chapter 6

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"Are we really riding that?" Freen asks making a terrified face at seeing the motorbike that Becky was standing next to. 

"Why not?" Becky asks grinning.

"We could take my car or yours."

Becky quirks an eyebrow, "Where is the fun in that?"

"Are you scared of motorbikes or something?"

Part of her was scared of the bike, but she was mostly scared of the proximity they would share in their journey.

"No. It's just been a while." She says trying to act cool. But becky could see right through her, "No need to worry. I can ride really well, if you have any doubts." She playfully winks at Freen trying to tease her, who visibly gulped in response. "I will make sure you enjoy the ride. Now hop in."

Freen hesitantly did as she was told. Together the two ride to the nearest hardware store to buy paints and other stuff. Unlike she feared, she actually enjoyed the ride. It felt soothing when the wind blew across her face. She felt really alive after a long time.

"It's really different here, No rush, the fresh air, It's peaceful." They are now walking through the streets trying to find a store.

"I know. That's why I moved here. Away from the chaos out there in the world."

"You moved?" Freen asks slightly surprised.

Becky in response looked at her amused, "You didn't really think I was born here, do you? I thought my looks made it obvious."

"Yeah I kind of thought about it. So you're not Thai?"

"Half. My dad's British, mom is Thai and I have a brother."

Freen frowns, she thought Becky didn't have any family, or she would have met them by now or atleast seen pictures at the house. She was clearly confused. "So where are they? Your family."

Becky's smile flatters."Some things happened. Some things I'm rather not fond of explaining. I had to leave. So I left everything, came here, and have been living here since, beside the nature, beside it's people." Freen thought that this is the most vulnerable she has seen becky besides the first time they met.

"The people here, they became my new family."

"I noticed, the glances, the sad smiles, the comforting hands, hugs. They all knew?" Freen asks intrigued. Throughout their ride, or during their walk, Freen noticed the people. How all of them seemed to know Becky. Also how someone so easily recognised her photo when she first came here looking for Becky.

"Of course. Saint was also a part of this family. Everyone loved him." Becky says with a fond smile.

"And all of them knew the truth?"

"Yes. They knew everything. There are no secrets here. Like I said everyone is part of the family."

Freen pauses, thinking about everything. Everyone here knew the truth. That he was married. Yet no one cared?

"You can be too. If you stay." Becky says now facing her. Freen smiles in return. 

Throughout the ride back she was lost in thoughts, as she sat behind becky, arms wrapped around her, leaning her body against her, she felt complete. And in no time they reached back home.

Freen and Becky bonded over redecorating the house. Becky loves every suggested idea that Freen gave. 

They paint and chat.

They rearrange the furniture and chat.

They were both exhausted by the time they finished. They were sitting outside, the cold wind blowing, tiny birds flying, the sun begining to set casting a mesmerizing shadow.

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