Chapter 15

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Becky was sitting in her porch looking at the burning flames as if that would give her some peace. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't forget everything that's happened.

So in a moment of pure anger she went into Freen's room, taking all of her stuff out before burning them. It was all a lie anyway. She wasn't a wild life illustrator, why the hell would she need all these bird books or any of these other stuffs. This was all a reminder of the betrayal. But the flames only increased her pain.

"I heard what happened between you and Freen." Suddenly a figure came up behind her. When she looked, it was her best friend.


"She talked about it on grief counseling." Heng replied. Becky knew who he was talking about, but she ignored the subject.

"You are still going?" She asked instead.

"Just wanted to help her out by being there."

"You wanted to help her? You are my best friend not her's. She was deceiving me in my own home and you didn’t think to say anything?" Becky scoffs.

"She's isn't well. She meant no harm."

"I'm not well either. How do you fucking suggest I get over this?" Becky spat as she gets up from the chair and moving back inside.

"Becky...." He tries to follow her inside. But she closes the door in his face.

"Don't. I want you to go."

"I will after I say what I came here to say. I got a call from forensics." He says managing to hold the door open.


"They're done with Saint's car. You can stop by the impound to get it."

Becky frowns, "I don't want that car."

"Becky it's your daughter's now. You have to go get it. And please give her a chance."

As soon as he left, Becky broke down and fell to the floor. How can she give her a chance?


Freen decided she had enough. She can't spend another day away from Becky. She had reached a point where it's physically suffocating her. So she drives upto Pattaya.

Once she reaches the familiar yellow house, her heart skips a beat seeing the all too familiar Ford that Saint drove. Soon enough she regains her composure, because there she was, Becky sitting in the driver's seat looking straight ahead. She doesn't look good. She looked like a mess. Much worse than when she first saw her after Saint's death. Thinking she was the reason for this pain of the brunette broke her heart.

"I listened to your message." Becky says not even sparing a glance at Freen who approached her car window.

"You never replied."

"I know."

"How are you?" Freen asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Well...not very good, in all honesty. Know why?" Finally Becky looks at Freen, and for a moment Freen wished she hadn't. It was so hard to see so much anger directed at her.

"Because you and your husband
have ruined my life." Becky's grip on the steering wheel tightens, her knuckles turning white.

"First I got attached to him
and he left, then it was you and you lied."

"Leave." Becky finishes.

"I didn't want to lie to you. I'm not leaving."

"Freen..." She calls in warning, her breath suddenly short.

"I can't be away from you." Freen admits.

"Becky, listen to me..." Freen tries to reach out for her but Becky glares at her in response.

"Nobody has ever screwed me over like this. I'm here, completely lost, because I can't do anything else." Becky says frustrated.

"Because I thought I owed Saint's widow something. After six years, I thought,
I don't know... that I should go and talk to her, tell her everything and be there for her.

But you...

You denied me the opportunity to say sorry." By this point both of them were in tears, sobbing.


Please, just go." Becky begs. Her voice so small that Freen couldn't even hear it.

But Freen doesn't leave. Instead she moves to the passenger seat and gets in. Becky turns to look at her, her face red with anger or sorrow, maybe both.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Freen cries.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Whenever I'm in Bangkok, I always want to run away."

"Why?" Becky shakes her head.

"I understand now why Saint never left here.

Why he kept coming back around.

Like a planet.

This is not revenge. I just wanted to find out more. I just couldn’t believe he would cheat on me. I had to know more. How it all started? If I don’t ever find out, I might just go crazy thinking and thinking about it! It would be worse than just grieving him!

I also needed to find out if he really committed suicide and if it’s related to his work or his double life. And I didn’t expect me ending up growing closer to you. That was not planned, ok?” Freen explains.

Freen watches as Becky doesn’t say a word. Unable to take any more silent treatment, Freen speaks.

“I won’t go until you..”

“Do you know that…” Becky cuts her off.

“I have carried this guilt for years and especially after his death it became so suffocating." Then Becky tears up and her voice breaks. “ never gave me that chance. I didn’t get that chance to apologize.”

Freen starts to tear up too.

Suddenly Becky reaches out to Freen, hugging her tightly.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Freen.” Becky cries into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry for ruining your marriage."

Freen rubs Becky's back gently and then when she pulls back to look at Becky, they both thumb away each other’s tears.

“Well, for starters, I had no idea my marriage was ruined?” Freen shrugs and earns a soft chuckle in between tears from Becky.

Becky places a soft tender kiss to her forehead before holding her close to her chest. Both of them finally feeling peace.

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