Chapter 11

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"He left?" Freen asks as she gets out of bed and sees Becky coming back inside.

Becky frowns, "He did. And abruptly. He never does that." 

"Maybe something came up at the station." Freen tries an excuse.

"Yeah, Maybe."

But who is she kidding? Freen knows exactly why Heng left. Seeing her in Becky's bed might have definitely confused him. Only God knows what he might me thinking of her now.

Once she realizes she has been standing there lost in her thoughts for a while, she looks back up at Becky, who was infact looking at her with a smile. Freen for a moment wondered why Becky was looking at her like that and then it hits her.

"Oh! You are probably wondering why I kissed you?"

"No I'm not. Infact I kissed you back."

There is yet another staring contest between them.

"But I'm not like you Becky." Freen let's out bluntly.

Becky furrows her eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I don't sleep around. I'm someone who you call too basic or too boring." Freen says casually as she walks towards the kitchen to make a pot of tea.

"Where are you going with this?" Becky asks following Freen into the kitchen.

"I told you about my boyfriend, right? I have been with him since high school. He is the only person I have been with."

Becky waits for her to continue..

"I have never thought about sleeping with anyone else until that day when we talked about it. I don't just fall into bed with anyone, Becky."

Becky looks at Freen amused.

"Sex is just sex, Sam. It doesn't have to be more than that. You don't have to complicate it with feelings or emotions."

If Freen was on the edge, now she is over it.

"So I'm what? Just another score? Another person for you to go to bed with?" She snaps.

"Oh!" Becky gasps in realization.

"Fine. I understand, this was a mistake. I shouldn't have kissed you. It won't happen again."

But I want it to happen again. I wanted you to tell me you have feelings for me. Shit! How pathetic am I? 

"Ok?" Becky asks again seeing Freen's silence.



"We were talking about my nightmare, right?" Becky swiftly changes the subject.

"Huh?....Ah yes." It takes a minute for Freen to catch up.

"I actually was thinking about her before going to bed. The wife."

"Freen?" Freen asks in confusion.


"I received some court papers last week. Tomorrow is Saint's will reading. And I can't avoid the inevitable anymore. She is gonna be there and she is gonna find out that her husband had another life with another woman. She is gonna find out about Lyra. All from some random lawyer's mouth."

"She doesn't deserve that, Sam."

"What do you mean?" Freen asks trying to understand where this conversation was going. And she hoped to God that it wasn't going where she was thinking it is.

"She can't find out about us that way. I should be the one to tell her, I have to tell her."

"Wha--" Freen starts but was immediately cut off by Becky.

"I'm going to her apartement before the will reading and I'm going to tell her everything."

Freen stood there in the kitchen, as if she was frozen, unable to do anything. It was like the wind got knocked out of her.


Freen is in her apartment in Bangkok getting ready to go to the will reading. She has no idea what to expect and she definitely isn't ready for the confrontation with Becky. She was so lost in thought that she almost missed the ringing of her phone.


"Hi. Are you in Pattaya?"

"Yes..Yes. I'm taking some photos." She internally curses herself.

"Look, Lyra's school just called. She's sick and I was wondering if you could go pick her up and take her home?

Shit! How was she going to do this? She was in Bangkok at the moment.

"The thing is.. I'm a little...Is there no one else who can go?"

"I called Heng a few times and he isn't picking up. The thing is I'm in Bangkok.."

"Bangkok?" She's already here. This was going to be a disaster.

"I'm here for the reading of the will and like I said I want to see his wife first."

There was a long lingering silence.

"In fact, I'm outside her apartment right now."

If Freen was shocked before, now she was terrified. As fast as she could she ran to the front door and looked through the peekhole and her entire body almost froze at the sight, becky was here, standing outside in all her glory.

"I have come early to get it over with because if I leave it until later, I'm worried I will chicken out."

Freen has to stop Becky, somehow, anyhow.

"Becky, you are under no obligation to talk to her."

"If I don't, she will find out at the reading. And I can't do that to her, dammit."

"I can't do that to her, it wouldn't be right."

"Look Becky, I think it was him who should have said something....He should have had the balls to say 'Honey, I have fallen in love with a woman and she's so special and so different in every way that I'm incapable of giving her up.'"

Another silence passes, where Freen questions her own words. Is that how she felt about Becky? Is that how Saint felt?

"You know? I think his wife should have had the chance to hear her husband's explanation. Not yours."

Both Freen and Becky stood on either side of the door, both in agony and despair.


"We are here." Freen announces once she get's home with a tired Lyra in her arms.

"Does your tummy still hurts?"

"No. But I feel sick."

"We will take care of it." Freen says putting Lyra down on the couch and kissing her forehead.

Once Freen turns around and look at the house, she is starled.

"What the hell happened here?" The house was a mess.

"I think we have been robbed." Lyra offers.

Heng was in the station going over some files when he receives a call.


Once he hears what the other person says, he is immediately shocked and abruptly stands up.

"Take it easy Freen. I'm on my way." He says before hanging up the call and hurrying out.

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