Chapter 3

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Freen had only one thought in her mind, find the yellow painted house, confront Becky. But once she reached the place she realized she didn't think this through. How was she going to find her in this big city?

She had just shown the photo of the yellow house to a bunch of people and asked if they knew where the house was and once that didn't work, she even showed Becky's photo. Finally luck was on her side as a man recognized both and gave her directions to the place.

Once she reached the place it almost felt like she was lost. There is no way a house could be here in the middle of the woods. But then she saw a man-made path. After a five minutes walk, Freen sees it - the lover's home.

She prepared herself for what's to come, as she took her first steps. Her heart is beating out of her chest. She looks around the area, there is nothing but trees. A few more steps and she sees a beautiful lake. This should be heaven, Freen thought to herself. But just then a loud scream brought her out of her thoughts. Without a second thought she took off running towards the house. There she saw her. Freen thinks she almost stopped breathing at her beauty. What a beautiful woman!

"I was... I was just taking a walk and I heard you scream. Are you...are you alright?" Freen barely managed to ask, why was she all of a sudden, a stuttering mess?

Freen had only thought to come here to reveal the truth to her husband's lover but when she came face to face with the woman in her husband's other life, she could only stare blankly, noticing the soft, tear-streaked face on the other woman.

When the tall brunette stood staring back at her innocently, Freen was at a loss for words. Judging from the sad look on the woman, does she already know of Saint's death?

"I'm sorry. I just received some bad news and it's just... it's so suffocating. I can feel it here." She says clutching her chest. "I felt the need to scream it away. But it's's not.."

And the tears are back again. Freen felt the sudden urge to wipe them away. She settled to just giving a comforting smile.

"I know." Freen said, she also felt that way. Both of them were going through the same situation.

"Do you mind me asking what kind of bad news was it?"

"I lost... I lost the love of my life."

"I’m sorry…” Freen says though she feels like it was directed to the both of them.

“Yeah. Me too. I just hope I’m not the reason he died.” Becky sighs.

Freen stands still, almost taken aback at Becky's guess on Saint's supposed suicide?

“What do you mean by being the reason for his death?” She had to ask.

“They said he took his own life and I did not understand it at first because we were happy. Then again, maybe he was stressed out by being in love with two women. He’s married to another woman, you see. And me being the other woman probably shouldn’t have gone on this long with him.”

“May I ask how long was it?” Freen asks trying to sound as casual as possible.

“Six years.” Becky reveals.


"Six fucking years!” Freen exclaims to her best friends. “Six out of the ten years of my marriage I had no idea he had an affair! I was blind for six years! Not one year. Not two but SIX!!”  

Nam and Noey came here to check up on their best friend. When they arrived at Freen's apartment, they realized Freen have been spending time at home digging more of Saint's extra-marital affair from stuff she downloaded from his secret phone, and after a trip to see the other woman.

Freen had printed out all the stuff and displayed them on her wall like she was investigating a crime case. They stood staring at her doing a presentation of what she has gathered so far.

"Look!” Freen shows them a slip of paper, a text exchange between Becky and Saint. “He tells her about the romantic birthday surprise I did for him and how happy he was! Who tells his lover such stuff about their wife? And she replies saying she’s glad he’s happy!! She’s weirdly nice and generous for someone who is having an affair with him! She is not angry, she is not jealous."

“So all along she knew he was married? And still kept this up for Six years? She's certainly mistress material." Noey scoffs.

Freen shakes her head. “I saw how she reacted. She loved him. She said he was the love of her life. I can't understand either of them."

"Why didn’t you just reveal who you are and confront her about the affair?” Nam asks.

“Because I feel that she will open up more if she thinks I’m someone else." Freen adds as she continues to check on her presentation display.

“What do you wanna gain out of this, Freen? We’ve been through this with you. It’s not healthy.” Noey adds. 

“Freen, you need to stay away from...all this.” Nam advises. “Look, you should try going to grief therapy. I know a friend who can help you.”

“Do I look like I’m grieving that much? This is helping to distract me from grief!!” Freen rebukes.

“You look worse than that! You’re digging a past that will hurt you more!” Noey adds.

“I’m fine!” Freen tells them.

“You’re NOT FINE!” Both of her best friends says.

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