Chapter 27 (18+)

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The sound of doorbell ringing sent a wave of happiness through Becky. Today has been utter hell, they only reached Bangkok late last night and Freen had to go into the office early in the morning. She spend most of the day doing nothing, bored out of her mind. Lyra was tired and spend her day sleeping. They were surrounded by nothing but buildings and concrete that Becky found it really hard to get through the day. Back at home she could just simply go out in the field and breathe in the fresh air and that would have been enough to lift her spirits.

She almost sprinted to the door, opening it. Freen stepped through the door and carefully shut it before sighing heavily. Her shoulders slumped slightly, her perfect brown eyes going right to Becky. She looked as if the weight of the world was pulling her down, it must have been an hectic day at work. Not to mention the troubles they were in. Heng had informed what had happened with Richard. Becky was extremely relieved to find out that her family had infact nothing to do with any of this. She wanted to reach out to Richie and her family, especially her father after finding out about his sickness, but Heng clearly instructed not to until everything is solved. He also made sure that Becky and Lyra stay put in Freen's apartment until he had things under control. Freen was so hurt finding out about Billy possibly being involved in whatever happened to Saint. She was heartbroken thinking about her bestfriend.

"Oh darling... Come here," Becky said softly as she immediately opened her arms. Freen moved forward and slumped into Becky's arms, burying her face in the space where Becky's neck met her shoulders.

Becky wrapped her arms around Freen's neck and let one hand gently run through the hair at the back of her neck as the other rubbed gentle circles over her shoulder, "Do you want to talk about it?" Becky asked softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of Freen's head.

A muffled 'No' was grumbled into her neck.

Becky smiled, "Are you hungry?"

Freen nuzzled further into her neck, taking a deep breath in before slowly pulling back, "I'm not hungry. Where's Lyra?"

"In bed. I think she is coming down with a fever, all that travelling must have gotten to her. I gave her something to keep it down."

"Do we need to go to a hospital?" Freen asked suddenly more alarmed.

Becky smiled and leaned up caressing her cheek, "It's not that serious."

"I should better go shower, I smell." Becky leaned in and gave her a kiss, "No, you don't."

A soft smile pulled at Freen's lips as she kissed her back, "Still I should. I'll be quick."

Becky was leaning against the railing of the balcony enjoying the view when Freen came back. Freen walked over and slid her arms around Becky from behind, "I'm so glad you are here." She said moving close to rest their cheeks together.

"Me too." Becky said softly leaning back.

Freen turned Becky around and bent to carefully kiss down Becky's throat, "I love you so much." Becky sighed, tension leaking out of her body, "I love you too."

"Are you feeling okay?" Becky breathed out.

"Better now." Freen whispered softly against her skin.

"Can we move this to bed? I miss you." Freen asked pulling away and looking at Becky.

Becky had no time to respond and she gasped as the floor got swept out from under her and she quickly tightened her arms around Freen's neck, "Don't surprise me like that." Becky squealed.

Freen simply grinned at her and walked them back to their room with Becky in her arms. She sets her down on the bed and smiled before quickly slipping under the covers. Becky laughed before sliding under the covers herself, "Sure darling whatever you want. But keep quiet, we don't wanna wake our daughter."

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