Earth's womb and Life's Dorm

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Born in earth's womb,
Living in life's dorm,
Didn't realize the shift to mad people's dorm.

Though that dorm was never meant for all of us,
Neither is it so horrible,
For this mad people's dorm is the dorm of life—
Life for those left to live inside their heads,
Fed on insecurities, feelings of worthlessness, and burdens.

These people kept screaming,
But found no one to listen,
For everyone's so lost in their own sorrows.

And then the worm in the dorm wrote this:
"Don't know how to think normally,
They've been scaring me since childhood.
Thought I had crossed those fears,
But I let one person in,
And that person ruined it in a way—

I look around and see the same hunger in everyone's eyes,
A hunger that isn't for love,
But for what I could provide them:
Body, benefit, limelight, attention, or even emotional comfort.

In the end, they chase the one who's easiest,
And it is exhausting to be this easy.
I want to be tougher than this,
Instead of just living inside my head."

Born in earth's womb,
Living in life's dorm,
Didn't realize the shift to mad people's dorm,
Though that dorm was never meant for all of us.

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