My vacant mind just thinks of you,
Even if it's struggling with ideas,
If it's writing answers in exam sheets,
Even if it's listening to music,
It just thinks of you,
And it wanders whether you think of me as much as I do of you,
Or those words were just bare words you could say to anyone?
Or they really meant anything?
Listening to my favourite songwriter,
I visualised you with that same side teeth as him,
Imagining as if it is you who's singing those songs by my side,
Wander whether it's really me,
Or your infatuation of little bit,
Which would decide it's end in a little bit,
Still all I could think of is you,
Went through all those text from past,
Remembering myself laughing full of heart,
This song in my ears and you're in my head,
Wish my fantasy would've been real,
Want to let it go as it's not real,
Yet the desire to think of you echoes deep within.
And I hope you think of me,
When you listen to all those songs.

The Mad People's Dorm
Poetry"Mad People's Dorm" is a heartfelt collection of poetry that takes you deep into the emotions and thoughts of someone battling anxiety, betrayal, and inner turmoil. Each poem is a window into a mind that has faced darkness and is striving to find li...