Dreaming of Impossibility

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Lying over the bed,
Dreamt of something so impossible to be possible,
Used it as an escape from messed up reality,
Hoping someone's out there waiting for me,
Someone who wants to be with me after knowing my shitty reality,
Accepting me after knowing me as the most messy person,
Almost phrasing the words like in those fictional stories,
Oh you're such a mess but I still love,
How beautiful it is to think of someone,
With whom you can show your authentic self,
Yet they acknowledge you and love you,
It is rare from a man to be loved after their game of chasing is over,
After the love gets old,
And yet the enchantment remains, even in that foreverness,
Where relation doesn't feel like regret,
Rather seems like a more fulfilling part of a life,
Oh! What a great thing to dream of,
Yet the reality sucks like nothing.

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