My mind is brutal,
But my actions are kind.
My thoughts are cruel,
But my words are empathetic.I'm a bitterly twisted human,
With fire in my heart,
A storm in my mind,
And a calm posture.I'm an explorer walking in the dark,
Holding light in my hand,
And darkness in my mind.
I'm a rebel nodding with society,
Yet completely disagreeing with every notion of them.I'm a suicidal psycho,
Who dreams of living,
But never of death.
I'm a fonder of death,
Who tried to laugh at its face
By disagreeing with this concept of afterlife.I'm a living human,
Who tried to live through this foundation of life.
I'm a suffocated prisoner,
Lived forever in prison,
Yet forever dreamt of the world outside.I'm a reckless abandon beggar,
Who begged for love and love,
Was told to earn love,
And the beggar turned into a people pleaser.I'm a people pleaser,
Who had thoughts of killing and killed.
I'm just another example
Of the brutality of human life.
The difference is I didn't choose to be a murderer,
Rather I murdered people from my pen.
The Mad People's Dorm
Poetry"Mad People's Dorm" is a heartfelt collection of poetry that takes you deep into the emotions and thoughts of someone battling anxiety, betrayal, and inner turmoil. Each poem is a window into a mind that has faced darkness and is striving to find li...