Youth in Moustache

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Lost in head,
Stuck with the idea of,
Whether to stay home or go out,
She dresses like a model,
Some kind of lonely witch,
Suddenly walked out of her darkness,
Dressing like a daydream,
Backing herself into youthly blossom,
Rosy Lips, Pale skin, and golden hair,
Dried with the frozen winter,
Wind blowing through her hair,
With new shoes pair,
Walking by the people's side under traffic lights,
As if she's living in some kind of drama's sight,
Where people wish that they'd have life like her,
She's walking with her silent posture,
Proud hear and busy mine trying something to capture.
Thinking of poetries, art, artists and daydreams,
She reached at her destination,
Colliding with the stranger in his youth,
Never she ever had she seen someone so alluring,
Like some film star popped out gleaming,
His clear skin, perfect moustache,
Seemed like her daydream,
She could only afford to live inside her head's realm.

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