CH. 59

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Pulling the crying child to the side you still held him close- what could you do at this point.. the kid was basically attached to your hip like a moth in a glue trap.

Sitting on a bench just a few steps away you sat down, patting the spot beside you as the boy followed. Pondering what to do you decided to question the youngling.

"Why are you crying- Where are your parents?" Where are everyone's parents... You thought right after the words left your lips. The carnival was filled with children. Yeah it made you sound kinda pathetic with your constant worry of the fact these kids were not supervised- but you worried for the right reasons!!! If there were no adults here- then that also meant if (y/s) was here, no one was watching them.

The idea made you sick to your stomach- Your baby sibling wasn't exactly used to being without you for so long.. sure you'd had jobs before and had to be away from home a lot in the past but they'd always fuss and cry before you left so you inevitably ended up becoming a full time caretaker until they were old enough..-

Your thoughts were broken by the boy's muffled response, turning your attention you asked him to repeat himself, having not properly heard it the first time due to your anxiety ridden mind.

"I can't find my friends" The boy cried out again, breaking out in hiccups and sobs.

Sighing, you replied; "Alright, I'll help you find them, where were you guys before you lost them?" What the fuck, might aswell help this poor kid, you'll have time to look for (y/s) or tips of what you were even doing here.

Getting up the boy seemed to beam with happiness that you were willing to help, grabbing onto your hand as he pulled you along. "At the merry-go-round! After the ride ended I couldn't find them anymore!" He explained as he dragged you through the crowds of children of varying ages- all seeming to be pre teens, perhaps around 5 to 11 years old you'd guess.

As you were led around the carnival your body nearly jumped out of its skin as you noticed some people, no.. children working behind the carnival stands, all with eerily pale skin, colorful clown makeup plastered on their face, each child having a different pattern of face paint.

The sight discomforted you, not that you feared clowns but this place was making everything feel uncanny, some performers that weren't behind the stands seemed to be more and more disturbing to you with each one you passed.

You were snapped from your thoughts yet again when the boy stopped just a bit before the merry-go-round, pressing further against your side in fear of getting lost again. Pondering you scanned the crowds but a familiar buzz followed by a ringtone called for your attention. Patting around your pockets you gasped with surprise to find that your phone was in your pocket- the screen glowing as you checked who was calling.

The text on the screen wrote 'Eliot' and with bated breath you answered, nearly screaming with relief now that you realized you still had contact with the outside world.

"Eliot!-" You yelled into the phone as you placed it against your ear, hearing a surprised sound come from the other side.

"Man, what the hell are you yelling for?!" A moment of silence passed on his end before he let out a smug remark, "Did you miss me that bad, bro I was just dead for a few weeks." He laughed as if it was nothing- and to him it probably was.

To you it was your saving grace. 


haii sorry for the late update, i got my braces tightened and i literally passed out for hours after i was given pain killers LMAO

Thinking of giving this story a bad ending too.. (and a smut chapter as a sorry)

Plz join the discord..

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