Chapter 51

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It was only a few days ago that Ji Xia learned how to make the fruit tea and she felt that it was really good so she gave it to Fu Hengzhi to have a taste. Who knew that he would praise it so much.

In fact, she always had a feeling that no matter what she did, Fu Hengzhi seemed to be very supportive and while she was happy, she was always afraid that he would say something untrue so every time she only dared to believe half of it which made Fu Hengzhi quite helpless.

The black tea was prepared by Butler Liu and kept in the kitchen to cool. Ji Xia cut some seasonal fruits into small pieces then mixed them with the juice and put them into a large teapot. Finally, she mixed it with honey and tasted it to confirm. After she liked the taste, she took the tray out of the kitchen.

But the living room was empty and Ji Xia was stunned for a moment, she saw Butler Liu standing at the entrance of the stairs: "Madam, Mr. Fu is receiving the guests in the study this time, do you need me to help you bring the fruit tea?"

"No, it's not heavy. Although Ji Xia felt strange, she didn't think much about it and went to the study to the second floor with the tea.

Butler Liu followed to help her open the door and then Ji Xia walked in and found that there was complete silence inside. The temperature of the air conditioner was obviously the most comfortable 27 degrees but when she walked in, a thin layer of goose bumps appeared on her arms.

Fu Hengzhi immediately got up to help her take the tray and then Butler Liu started pouring tea for everyone in the study.

Ji Yu's face looked even more worse than when she first entered the entrance. Her uncle and aunt also bowed their heads and said nothing. Ji Xia glanced at Fu Hengzhi curiously and asked him in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

" Just now your sister said that she has something to you." Fu Hengzhi pulled Ji Xia to sit beside him and took a sip from the teacup, "So we are all waiting for you."

Ji Yu raised her head met Ji Xia's eyes that was ignorant of everything. When she saw the innocent look in her eyes, she felt a shiver throughout her whole body.

In fact, she didn't hate Ji Xia at first, she even thought that it was good to have a dance partner to practice with her. Every time she saw Ji Xia's clumsy appearance, she couldn't stop laughing and then she and the teacher would help her adjust her posture.

During that time, the relationship between the two was actually good. They went to class together and left class together and they were like real sisters. When did the disagreement arise? Probably when Ji Xia outperformed her in class for the first time.

She learned ballet late and she was just playing around with it but she was not as soft as Ji Xia when she was younger and she didn't know how long she had been practicing secretly behind her back and the teacher who had always been sharp and strict with her couldn't help but smile at Ji Xia which made Ji Yu feel the frustration for the first time.

She began to dislike Ji Xia but Ji Xia didn't seem to feel her sudden estrangement at all and kept sticking behind her ass every day calling her 'Sister Ji Yu', 'Sister Ji Yu' everyday.

But her estrangement did not affect Ji Xia's efforts in ballet and art at all but the teacher talked to Ji Yu several times because of the gradually widening gap between them hoping that she could work harder and make progress.

It was also at that time that Ji Yu really began to hate Ji Xia, hate her lack of understanding and ignorant nature.

After she got home, she told her mother that she didn't want to go to ballet anymore and wanted to change classes with Ji Xia, let Ji Xia learn ballet and she could study her watercolor painting by herself.

She said this not because she liked watercolors but because Ji Xia really liked it.

Ji Yu also moved all Ji Xia's painting tools into her room at that time and was happy for several days watching Ji Xia's loss because she couldn't go to art class any more.

After all, she was the biological daughter of her parents and Ji Xia was just an orphan.

Ji Yu had always kept this sentence in her heart since she was a child. She deserved to fight for everything Ji Xia had, sometimes a new dress, sometimes a new headband but no matter how big or small it was, as long as she got it from Ji Xia, Ji Yu felt very satisfied.

"Xia Xia, you should know that I...have no malicious intentions, right?"

But now Ji Xia was no longer the helpless orphan girl but she had the most solid and powerful backer, Fu Hengzhi.

She felt that her vocal cords were trembling, maybe a little scared and afraid of the oppression caused by Fu Hengzhi's eyes but she felt more of an unprecedented sense of humiliation she had never felt before.

Ji Yu had never apologized to Ji Xia, not even once. Even if she had gone too far or was wrong, she would only throw a big tantrum at Ji Xia first and then cry to her mother how much Ji Xia had gone too far that day and wait for her to be punished. .

Now, finally, she was the one being punished.

"The call I asked my mother to make was just to ask your opinion first. We didn't mean to arrange everything... I just wanted to give you advice, if you don't want to, of course we won't force you. ."

Fu Hengzhi put down the teacup and looked at Ji Xia earnestly listening to Ji Yu's hypocritical words and re-comprehended the meaning of the word cute.

"But... I didn't think about it carefully. I didn't consider your feelings and I didn't take into account Mr. Fu's feelings." Ji Yu stood up from the sofa under Fu Hengzhi's indifferent gaze and then bowed down : "I'm sorry, Xia Xia, I hope you can forgive me."

Ji Xia had never seen Ji Yu apologize to someone so solemnly, she was so frightened that she wanted to stand up but was embraced by Fu Hengzhi so she couldn't move.

"Yeah, Xia Xia, please forgive us, we won't do such silly things again in the future."

The woman hurriedly stood beside her daughter and bowed down towards Ji Xia.

"Xia Xia, this incident is my dereliction of duty as a father and husband, we will teach Ji Yu how to behave properly when we go back and I hope this incident will not leave any grudges in your heart let alone affect your relationship. I'm really sorry."

After the man finished speaking, he stood up and bowed heavily to the two of them. Ji Xia was completely stunned by the action of the family of three. Fu Hengzhi slowly stood up with his little wife who was completely at a loss to show basic courtesy and respect.

"Please rest assured, our relationship will not be affected by this kind of thing. I want to marry only Xia Xia from the beginning to the end and will not change because of some trivial matters or because of some irrelevant people."

"I just hope that people won't disturb our peaceful life again, I don't want this kind of thing to happen again."

Fu Hengzhi's words were still gentle but everyone present except Ji Xia all heard the meaning of his ultimatum in his words.

In other words, if there was another next time, Fu Hengzhi would definitely not take it easy on them.

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