Shadows of Desperation

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Y/N was lying in the basement, all cold and shivery, feeling pretty banged up from falling down there.Trying to breathe was hard, and she was super scared, thinking about what was gonna happen next.

She could just barely hear footsteps from upstairs, which was kinda spooky because it meant she wasn't by herself in this creepy situation.

It felt like with every tick of the clock, things were getting worse, like she was being squished by how scary and stuck she felt. Thinking back to when she met Tae, who seemed cool at first but then got super creepy, made her shake all over.

She really wanted to get out, but it seemed like everything was against her, making her feel like she was stuck in a really bad dream.

[Tae]: "If you'd just listened, you wouldn't be here now.

"Lying there, trying to be quiet, Y/N's head was spinning with ideas on how to get out.
She really didn't want to be in that dark place anymore, but thinking about bumping into those scary people again was freaking her out.

[Y/N]: "Please...just let me go...

" [Tae]: "But you see, you belong to me now. And I'm not about letting go of what's mine.

"Y/N started to move towards what looked like a door, trying really hard even though it hurt and she was scared.

[Y/N]: "My husband's gonna come, I just know it."It was tough, but she kept going, hoping really hard that she'd get out.

[Tae]: "Oh, that's cute. You think you can get away. Just so you know, I'm always ahead."But she didn't give up, even though it was really hard.Then, suddenly, the door got kicked down, and Yakimano rushed over to Y/N, giving her a big hug.

[Yakimano]: "My baby, are you alright? Did she hurt you?

"[Y/N]: "No, but please don't hurt her, I just feel bad for her.

"[Yakimano]: "Anything you say, baby, okay."

After the rescue, Yakimano scooped Y/N up, making sure she was okay enough to move. They quickly left that scary place, with Y/N leaning on Yakimano for support, still shaky from the ordeal.

Once they got home, Yakimano was super gentle, helping Y/N get settled and making sure she felt safe.
[Yakimano]:"Let's get you cleaned up and comfy,

" he said, trying to sound cheerful to lift her spirits.Yakimano filled the tub with warm water, adding some bubbles because he remembered how much Y/N liked them.

He made sure to give her space, just staying close enough in case she needed him.

[Yakimano]:"Shout if you need anything, okay?"

he said, giving her a worried but warm smile.While Y/N was in the bath, she started to relax a little, the warmth helping ease the aches and the comfort of being home starting to push away the fear.

Afterward, Yakimano helped her get into some comfy clothes, being super careful and making sure she was okay with everything he did.

Then, he made her sit down on the couch, wrapping her in a big, soft blanket. Yakimano sat next to her, not too close but close enough to make her feel protected. He turned on the TV, picking a show he knew made Y/N laugh, hoping it might distract her a bit.

[Yakimano]:"Remember, it's all over. You're safe now. I'm here, okay? No one's gonna hurt you again," Yakimano said softly, his voice full of concern. He kept checking on her, asking if she was hungry or needed anything.

Y/N could tell he was trying really hard to make her feel better, and even though she was still a bit shaken, his care and attention made a huge difference.

As the night went on, Y/N started to feel a bit better, thanks to the warm bath and Yakimano's comforting presence. It was a small step, but with Yakimano's support, she felt a bit more hopeful about feeling normal again.

A week had gone by since Y/N had been kidnapped. Yakimano was always there for her, making sure she felt safe and supported.

Now, they were back where Y/N never thought she'd be again—close to Yakimano, but things were different this time around.

Yakimano was in the middle of some meeting, with lots of serious talk going on around him. But it was like he could only focus on Y/N, keeping her right by his side.

He held onto her like he was worried she might run off, his grip firm around her waist. It felt kind of protective but also like he didn't want to let her go. Being so close to him again made Y/N remember all the scary but somehow exciting times

It was like his way of telling Y/N that she wasn't alone anymore. The meeting kept going, with people talking about all sorts of stuff,

Yakimanos hold on her was a reminder of everything, but with Yakimano's help, Y/N felt like she could overcome this, but she couldn't figure out why she felt so tied to Tae

Being there, with Yakimano holding onto her and Yakimano supporting her, Y/N knew this was a big moment.

She wasn't just someone caught in a bad situation anymore; she was taking control, trying to understand her feelings and get past them. Even though she wasn't sure what would happen next, she knew she had Yakimano there to help her through it.

Y/N was ready to face whatever came her way, to find out why she felt so drawn to Tae and to see if she could leave all that behind. And with Yakimano by her side, she didn't feel alone in doing that...

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