The Mole Hunt

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Yakimano and his father, Kazuo, wasted no time in mobilizing their most trusted men. The atmosphere at the base was tense, every member on high alert, knowing the consequences of a breach in their ranks. Yakimano's mind kept drifting back to Y/N, hoping she was safe and resting peacefully at home.

Kazuo led Yakimano to a secure room where they kept sensitive documents and information. "We believe the mole has accessed this room," Kazuo explained, pointing to a cabinet with files strewn about.

Yakimano examined the scene, his keen eyes searching for any clue. "Who has access to this room?"

"Only a select few," Kazuo replied. "But we have to assume the mole is one of them."

As they reviewed security footage, Yakimano's phone buzzed. He glanced at it, seeing a message from Y/N:

"Where are you? Woke up and you're not here. Is everything okay?"

He quickly replied, "I had to handle something urgent. I'll explain everything later. Stay safe. I love you."

Returning his focus to the footage, Yakimano noticed a figure lingering near the secure room late at night. He zoomed in, but the footage was too grainy to make a positive identification.

"We need to interrogate everyone with access," Yakimano said, determination in his voice. "We can't let this mole go unchecked."

Kazuo nodded. "Agreed. Let's start immediately."

They spent the next several hours questioning the men, each denial adding to the tension. Yakimano could see the strain on their faces, but he had to be thorough. His mind kept drifting back to Y/N, but he forced himself to stay focused.

Just as they were about to take a break, a young recruit named Kenji nervously stepped forward. His eyes darted around the room, and his hands fidgeted.

"What is it, Kenji?" Kazuo asked, his voice calm but authoritative.

Kenji swallowed hard. "I... I think I saw something. I didn't realize it was important at the time."

Yakimano's attention snapped to the young man. "What did you see?"

Kenji hesitated. "I saw Hiroshi near the secure room late at night. He said he was doing a routine check, but something felt off."

Hiroshi was one of their senior members, someone they trusted implicitly. Yakimano's stomach churned. If Hiroshi was the mole, the implications were severe.

"Thank you, Kenji," Kazuo said, his expression unreadable. "You've done well to come forward."

They immediately called Hiroshi in for questioning. As he entered the room, Yakimano studied him closely, looking for any signs of guilt. Hiroshi's face was stoic, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.

"Hiroshi," Kazuo began, "we need to ask you some questions about your movements recently."

Hiroshi's eyes narrowed slightly. "Of course. What's this about?"

Kazuo gestured to the footage. "You were seen near the secure room late at night. What were you doing there?"

Hiroshi didn't hesitate. "I was conducting a routine check, as I always do."

Yakimano's instincts told him something was off. "Hiroshi, this is serious. We've had a breach. Someone has been leaking information."

For a moment, Hiroshi's composure faltered. It was subtle, but Yakimano caught it. "I would never betray the organization," Hiroshi said, his voice firm but lacking the usual confidence.

Yakimano exchanged a glance with his father. "We'll need to search your quarters," he said.

Hiroshi tensed but nodded. "I have nothing to hide."

The search of Hiroshi's quarters was meticulous. They went through every inch, looking for anything out of place. At first, it seemed fruitless, but then Yakimano found a hidden compartment in a drawer. Inside were documents—sensitive information that should never have left the secure room.

Hiroshi's face drained of color as Yakimano held up the evidence. "Care to explain this?" Yakimano's voice was cold.

Hiroshi's shoulders slumped, the weight of his betrayal evident. "I... I had no choice," he stammered. "They threatened my family. I had to do it."

Kazuo's expression hardened. "You should have come to us. We could have protected you."

Hiroshi shook his head, tears forming in his eyes. "I thought I could handle it on my own. I'm so sorry."

Yakimano's heart ached at the sight of his old friend brought low by fear and desperation. "We'll deal with this, but you need to tell us everything."

As Hiroshi began to confess, Yakimano's phone buzzed again. It was Y/N.

"I'm really worried. Please call me."

Yakimano sighed, texting back quickly, "I'll call you soon. I promise. I'm okay. Just stay safe."

With the mole identified and the immediate threat contained, Yakimano felt a mix of relief and sorrow. He had to protect his organization, but it came at a high personal cost. Now, he needed to return to Y/N and explain everything, hoping she would understand the dangerous world he was trying to shield her from.

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