A New Beginning

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It's been three days since you've seen that man. You've decided to keep the whole ordeal to yourself since no one would believe you. You've told your parents, and they didn't believe you, so you brushed it off as another one of those lucid dreams you've been having. You decide to research the house you saw by describing it in your phone's search engine. As you're searching, you're about to give up when you see a house that's the exact house you were in a few days prior. It's called the "Blood Huisaeng Mansion." You know you shouldn't, but you decide to go back just to get a better view, and you swear to yourself you'll just look, then leave.

You pull up the address and follow the directions, but you run into a problem. There's a huge gate blocking you from even being able to get down the road to the mansion, and a man in all black knocks on your car window and motions for you to roll the window down. (Y/N: Yes, sir.) Bodyguard: "Sorry, ma'am, you can't be here unless you have a key card ." (Y/N: Oh, sorry, sir, I didn't know.) You lie about not knowing, and you decide to ask a question. (Y/N: Quick question: how long has this mansion been around?) Bodyguard: Ah, I'll say about 3 or maybe 4 decades; it's relatively new though. (Y/N: Oh, okay, thanks.) With that information, you know there has to be a way inside, so you make a U-turn and drive far away, park behind some woods, and decide to find a way in.

You find a gate that's old and rusty but covered in barbed wire. You try to pry it open, but every attempt fails. Since you keep cutting your hand, you start to contemplate whether all this trouble is worth it or if you had a stupid lucid dream that could possibly get you arrested. But you push those thoughts to the side, and something came over you. You just grabbed the fence and ripped it open. Your hand had a large slash on it, but it wasn't deep enough to bleed, but it definitely was going to leave a scar. You go in and see a Koi Pond. You walk around, and surprisingly, there's not much security, but then you hear a voice that makes you go stiff

Mom: Sweetie, what are you doing here?" You turn around, surprised; she was the last person you expected to see at a place like this. (Y/N: Just, you know, feeding the fish.)
Mom: "? Umm, anyway, I gotta go get these papers signed." (Y/N: Oh, okay, can I see then?) Mom:Oh no, sweetie, it's nothing important, just some paper I have to file up from work." (Y/N: So why can't I see them then?) You grab the papers from her and read them, and what you read shakes you to the core. Mom: Listen, I can explain, okay, I needed some money and I was-" you cut her off (Y/N: Your selling me off to some random ass guy in the mafia for 1 million dollars!?!). Mom: Sweetie, we really need the money. You know our situation." (Y/N: I just...I know, mom, but you didn't have to go by getting it this way; I could've gotten an extra job or something.) Mom: Listen, it'll be fine. You'll marry him, and that's it, and you can live life as before." (Y/N: Yeah, but... Fine, but only because I love you.) Mom: I'm sorry it has to go this way, but I love you." She kisses my forehead and goes off to get the papers signed. You remember the name Mr. Yakimano on the paper. You sprint back to your car and drive home to get ready to do some research.

You arrive home, take a shower, go to your computer, and look up Mr. Yakimano. You didn't expect to find anything, but you see a bunch of different ads about buying weapons, and as you research further, you see an article named "Old Mafia base shut down after drug smuggling operation found." You research more and find out the base was shut down because they were accused of distributing drugs to millions of people worldwide and knowingly distributing placebos.

After about an hour, it's 10:00 p.m., and you still can't sleep, so you decide to find the place. where the old mafia base was. You felt like a detective as you tried to piece together who this man who kidnapped you days prior was. You see your tires are slashed, and it's happened before because of your crazy ex, Leo. You sigh. (Y/N: That bitch; I need to get a restraining order.) You look up the walking distance, and it's 30 minutes, so you'll be back around midnight, but by then you'll just get an Uber.

Where you lived, it was always lit up and bright, so people would freely walk all night. When it hit midnight, it was town curfew, and the street lights would be cut off. No one could walk on the streets; only driving, of course, was allowed After midnight, you continued to walk, and you could cut down on about 10 minutes of time. If you go down an alleyway, you see it's dark, but you decide to quickly walk through it, and then you feel someone grab your hand.

[Mr. Yakimano]: Hey, darling, I missed you. I couldn't bear those two days alone." I instantly recognized the voice and turned around. (Y/N: How'd you find me? No one knows I left.)
[Mr. Yakimano]: The necklace, darling, obviously you're so obedient you didn't even take it off." You touch your neck, forgetting all about the necklace. He smiles a seductive yet creepy smile. [Mr. Yakimano]: Don't be scared; let me take you home. I don't want my baby to get hurt. He takes your hand, and you follow him.

You see a black Rolls-Royce; the outside is a matte black color, and the inside is brown and beige. It's clean, and the leather feels nice on your skin. You sit in the front seat, and he takes you straight to your house. You are thinking about how he knew where you lived, but at this point, he probably knew everything about you.

[Mr. Yakimano]: "Bye baby, I love you, but before you go here." He hands you a huge wad of cash about the size of your fist. (Y/N: What's this for? and stop calling me baby; I don't like that.) [Mr. Yakimano]: "Don't be like that, baby; you know I can't resist, and as for the money, it's for your tires, and before you ask, yes, I slashed them, but I did it out of love." (Y/N:) CAN YOU JUST STOP? I am not your baby. OKAY, YOUR A FUCKING PSYCHO, LEAVE ME ALONE!)

[Mr. Yakimano]: "I love when you get mad; it's hot. I like girls who hate me; it turns me on, but you already knew that, didn't you?" You storm off into your house, annoyed, and lay in bed, ripping the necklace he made you wear off, hoping you'll never see that man. again but as you continue to plot in your mind how to find this Mr Yakimano guy your oblivious to the fact that he's been right in your face this whole time and it was a matter of time before you realized...

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