Author's Note:

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Author's Note:

This is mature. If you are not mature to read this, then I suggest finding something else that is more suitable to your liking. This is also my second draft as all writers go through phases of their writing. It's the process of making our story and crafting our ideas into the fabrication of sentences and imagination. All the other Assassin's Creed books by various authors that I have found in Barnes&Noble are listed in the Adult section. Along with Sarah J. Maas and George R. R. Martin

Everything in here is fictional. The places and the streets are a pure coincidence of being the same thing. Some of it is made up and strictly fiction. I am not going to say which is real and which is not accurate. It is with my twist and spins on it. That's it. I take what I read and play before twisting it into something new. The rights go to Ubisoft. I do not owe anything that involves their work. That should have been a no-brainer. All plots regarding my characters and their names belong to me. This excludes Altair and Malik. Obviously. 

I am going to remind fellow readers and writers as well. Don't let anyone stop you from writing. If you have an idea for something, then write it. Screw what anyone else thinks. It's your story. Do as you, please. That's all that matters. I have learned to love writing, but it's still a struggle. I have Grammarly to check my errors, my mistakes, but it's a computer program. It's not going to catch every little mistake that I end up doing. Sorry, not sorry.

Oh well, I am going to enjoy every minute of writing this story and no one is going to stop me. So, don't let them stop you either. 

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