Chapter: 30 Something is Brewing Between The Two

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Chapter: 30

Kalila's POV:

Malik was behind the counter with his arms folded and Altair leaning against the wall. I informed them of what I found out from doing the narrow search circles that Altair was supposed to do. Not to mention telling them I was bored and needed something to do. Malik was not pleased with me or Altair and had given me a lecture on how immature that was, but it provided great results. So, I was insulted, but I got the results. Yeah, that works out so well. With a huff, I only glared at Malik now while folding my arms across my chest. 

Altair had been quiet for some time now as it seemed that his mind was on something else entirely instead of my safety. Even Malik threw a book at Altair, but it landed against the wall on the side of his head to get attention again. "I'm sorry. Are we boring you, Altair?" He sneered at him.  

Altair scoffed, "Not the least. Kalila had me at a dagger point. She knows how to take care of herself. I will begin her sword lessons again." 

"You didn't have enough training to stop her." He retorted back to him as both of them glared at each other, but Altair was the first to look away from him. His eyes were on me again and that intensity was back in that dark gaze of his. Heat rushes through me as I immediately look away again. What was it with that look of his? Why did it bring such heat through me? Not to mention, my cheeks are burning right now.

"I wasn't expecting her to do that," Altair spoke again, but it sounded like he was tired of arguing. 

"So, what got you so distracted that you're not talking?" I asked him while clearing my throat and looking over at him. 

"Just what you have said about someone following you." Altair pointed out to me. 

"It was probably you," I responded to him with confusion.

Malik asked, "What do you mean that someone was following you?"

Altair and I both let out a sigh at the same time while Malik glared at the two of us, but didn't say anything at all. "I thought it was the figment of my imagination, but I thought it was Altair following me since I left here without saying anything." I paused to take a deep breath before continuing, "According to Altair, he was on the rooftops and whoever was following me was on the ground."

"Then it must have been Arabella. Remember, she is still on the loose, Kalila." Malik reminded me.

It was the last thing that I needed to be reminded of as my eyes went over to Altair to see that he had adverted his eyes elsewhere. "So, not only the Templars are after me, but Arabella is because of Altair. That's wonderful." I was being sarcastic while shaking my head while looking away from Altair and wondering what would have happened if he hadn't shown up. Would I be poisoned again or injured again? Maybe, even fatally wounded as well. It wouldn't be the first time and it wouldn't be the last time either. 

All of us were quiet as Altair refused to speak and somehow that made me angry. Why didn't he say anything? She had nearly got me twice. One by poison and the other one by knocking me out against the damn old wooden cabinet. Was it a closet? I don't know as those memories were still blurry. So, why didn't he say anything about that? Why do I care about what he says? What do his words have to matter to me? Malik spoke, "Is there anything else that you have learned on your little expedition?" 

"No, nothing else. Just the little tidbit on Ehsan and nothing more." I shrugged my shoulders at him. 

Malik nodded while sighing softly, "As much as I like to lecture you still, you did bring back valuable information. So, now we will get the plan in motion." 

"What about Arabella?" Altair asked all of a sudden. 

I gave him a glaring look, but he completely ignored me! The gall of him! Malik raises an eyebrow at him, "We can't do anything about her. If she shows her face we will handle her, until the time comes for that we focus on these Templars that are more urgent than a rogue assassin." 

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