Chapter: 14 An Unusual Night Out (Edited)

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Chapter: 14

Altair's POV: 

The night was quiet as usual. Nothing was moving at all. No one danger lurking anywhere. No templars. Nothing. I didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, but I could care less about that. My eyes took in my surroundings to see that the city of Acre was actually quiet. It felt peaceful and for a moment. I was at peace. The thing that surprises me was a familiar woman walking down the road. The familiar movements of the woman had my mind-tickling in recognition. Kalila. 

What was she doing out here? That was a stupid question. I follow her without any hesitation at all. This woman was under our protection and she was going to wander off as if it was okay for her to do. I thought she would do something like this earlier, but I guess I was wrong. She had waited for the cover of night to escape into the dark. Except she didn't realize that I was out here. That I had seen her and a foolish woman like her was bound to get herself into trouble. There was no doubt there. Not even one. 

Softly, I kept to the shadows while I watch the woman from where I was. She was hurrying down the road but stopping every few minutes to look around. Was she looking for someone? Being out at night wasn't a good idea especially since she was a woman, but a different woman. She wouldn't run away from a fight. No, she will more than likely stand her ground and fight back. Then ended up getting injured all over again. This woman was really going to grate on my nerves, but I kept following her to wherever she was going. 

Her head swerves to the side as she seems confused while I crouch down to keep myself out of her view. A lot of this was making my head spin and I was waiting. Waiting for her to do something, but she seems frustrated at herself. I knew someone was coming before she swivels around in the direction of drunken idiots coming from a tavern. Crowing about something as usual and it wasn't uncommon to find those drunken idiots. Without her knowing, I walk over to her as she looks around to hide somewhere. It would be a very bad thing for her to be out here and those guys try anything.

I would afraid I would lose it if one of them look like they wanted to lay a filthy hand on her. I saw her going over to some barrels, but that wouldn't hide her from those males. I grabbed her hand as she was about to protest and use my other hand to clasp it over her mouth before backing up into a small tent that was set up for merchants to change or do whatever shady in here. I back her up against the wall and lean forward to whisper in her ear, "Be quiet, Kalila." 

Her entire body had tense up, but it slowly relaxes as I knew she had recognized me which was quite brilliant of her to do so. We were quiet as those idiot drunken males wander off to somewhere else and passed by us. It was a good thing that I had gotten her in here or it would have been a very bad situation for her and for me as well. I move my hand away from her mouth slowly, but I couldn't help, but feel the warmth that was emitting from her body. Even having her like this against me, she was soft. The woman even smells good as well. 

Without realizing what she was doing, I ended up being shoved away from her and out of the small tent structure. Kalila came out of it as I caught myself before falling onto my rear end. Before I could ask her what the hell she did that for, she cut me off with a glaring look of her own, "Why the hell are you following me?" 

Anger was there in her dark eyes as her hands were placed on her hips while I snapped at her, "Saving your ass!" 

"I didn't need saving in the first place!" She counters right back at me.

"Right." I didn't believe her at all while I asked her, "What are you doing out here all by yourself?" 

Something flashed in her dark eyes, but she ended up looking away from me before asking me, "Why should it matter to you?" 

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