Chapter: 13 Finding The Way Out (Edited)

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Chapter: 13

Kalila's POV: 

Malik kept me near him today. Not letting me out of his sights. It made me feel relieved and I hated myself for feeling that way. I shouldn't depend on others. I have been through the worst. Hell, I was even on my own for a long period of time. So, being around others was difficult of me, but Malik's company was bearable. It wasn't insufferable like Altair was. I was sitting on the counter as Malik work. All I could think of was that oversize oaf! Where was he anyway?

Malik seems to read my thoughts as he paused in his writing. I wasn't sure who he was writing to, but it didn't bother me any. "Altair is investigating right now. He'll be back soon."

"I'm already here. Arabella was the one that had poison you. She left sometime after locking you in the storage room." Altair came downstairs in a careless way as he had a grim expression on his face.

Malik frown deeply as a troubled look was on his face as I stay quiet while asking, "Could she have been working for the Templars?" 

They both look at me with a surprised look on their faces, but Altair seems to remember the encounter that had nearly killed me. The marks on my shoulders prove that I was in a fight with those brutes. "Yes, you know about them, but didn't know what you were getting yourself into." He spoke with annoyance.

I rolled my eyes while not bothering to hide my scoff, "I would have known more." 

"Before or after you gotten yourself killed?" He asked me in a sweet voice that rattles my nerves.

"Why you-" I growled out nearly hopping off the counter to swing at him again, but Malik put his arm out to stop me from doing so. 

"Enough. We aren't here to bait each other. Altair, what did I tell you about instigating her?" He asked Altair. 

He only huffed while folding his arms across his chest, but luckily he didn't say anything else. Prick. I was practically brimming with annoyance and anger, but settle myself back on the counter. I could pick up one of these books and threw it at his head. He looks over at me almost like he could read my mind. Daring me to do what I was just thinking. I made a 'hmph' sound while looking away from him. 

Malik rolled his eyes while speaking, "So, we can't do anything since Arabella had taken off to gods know where to. There is a possibility that she could have been a spy which would cause us a lot of problems, but I will put her on high risk. So, that way if she does decide to appear again. We can assassinate her quick and silently." 

My dark orbs went over to the man with only one arm while liking his idea. Hoping that her death would be by my hand for what she did to me, but since we aren't going to hunt her down for what she did. I am stuck here again. So much, for escaping and finding out where Ehsan was. He was my target and has been for a while now. I had an ideal list of the Templars that were involved in my parent's murder. So, for Ehsan to be mention. I was in the right place. Maybe, after all, I could get the revenge that I so desire. 

The justice that was never given to me, but I will find my redemption by ending those murderers. I didn't care how long it took me and I will take my time in paying them back for what they did to my parents. One by one. "You're face is all scrunched up. What are you thinking?" Altair asked with that annoying tone of his.

I snapped out of my thoughts not realizing that I had faded away from their conversation and into my own revenge. I snapped at him, "Wouldn't you like to know?" 

Altair gritted his teeth and I could see his jaw locking as well, but Malik asked me with a calmer voice, "Did you think of something else?" 

I look away from him, "No, I didn't." 

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