Chapter: 22 A Secret Reveal

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Chapter: 22

Kalila POV:

I felt like I couldn't breathe at all as I rush to the outside air and inhale gulps of it. All of this was a surprise to me. All of it was something that I didn't think could happen. I was a little girl! What was I supposed to think? My breathing seems to calm down as small tears stream down my cheeks at the realization of what truly had happened here. My parents were slaughter because they were on the top of this mountain. The secret tower. It was what my father had called it and my mother would always laugh at him like it was some joke.

They never got the chance to teach me or even to bring me into their fold at all. The Templars took that away from me. They took my parents away from me! It made me absolutely frustrated as a hand gently grabbed my shoulder. Spun me around and embrace me with one arm as his hand rest against my head. Stroking my dark hair as I realized my hood had fallen off and I close my eyes again. The tears wouldn't stop coming, but I know now. I know the truth and it was only a matter of time before I did. I was at a loss as I didn't know what to do with this information.

All of this was new to me and I was confused. Utterly confused with this. I had no idea that was what lay in front of me. Maysaf held secrets, but it seems that my own parents did. It was for my protection as well as theirs and being in the same area as the others. It would seem fitting that I would recognize some of them too when I was little, but I never think twice about them at all. It was something that was seen as normal and now, my eyes were open to the truth that laid out before me. Everything spun around me as my body felt like it was on a rollercoaster. Finding out something that you are and thinking that it was a coincidence when really it wasn't at all.

Now, here I am with the truth lay bare before me. The real question was, was I going to accept this part of me that knows what I am truly meant for?


Altair's POV:

Night had fallen and she still hasn't spoken or even look in the box again. The woman was so stubborn, but to see that shock had worn off now. She was staring endlessly into the crackling fire. Every time I would ask a question, she would only shrug her shoulders at me. Knowing that she was lost in her thoughts and knowing that she needed time alone, but it bothers me to think that this woman was part of the Assassins all along and she didn't have a clue about it at all. Her parents must have kept her in the dark until they were murdered and couldn't teach her anything.

So, the moves that she was taught or taught herself. She had seen them before and her moves were sloppy and amateur as well. It was why she was still able to comprehend them and learn them at a faster rate. She has seen them before and was able to survive until I had found her. Fate has a way of bringing two together again, but she must be thinking about her parents now. She must be thinking about what she was going to do, but I knew if I say anything. The woman would only snap or simply shrug. Snapping was better than shrugging, but frankly, I didn't want to hear her snapping at me for something that I didn't do.

As I waited patiently for her to say something or even do something, it was hopeless. She was still gazing off into the distance and was currently lost in her own thoughts. It drove me crazy, but I didn't say anything besides laying down on my makeshift bed. I didn't know how Malik could stand this woman. I could barely stand her, but at the same time. I kind of understand her now as well. It was a strange feeling, but I didn't want to see her cry ever again. Not to look so helpless when she was a woman of strength and sheer will. A powerhouse when she wasn't being an idiot.

Kalia sat there staring at the damn box and I was the one that was going insane here. I wanted to know what secrets lay within. The symbol of the Brotherhood lay on its top shimmering in the fire's light. As if daring her to open it and find out what's in the box. What else waited for her in that box? The woman wouldn't touch it or even open the lid again. So, what is truly bugging her?

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