Chapter: 26 Safe and Secured

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Chapter: 26

Altair's POV: 

It was silent and I was waiting in the building to grab Kalila. I had seen her from the rooftops and the way that those bloody templars were playing around with her as well. It made my anger boil, but the first thing was to save Kalila and get her out of the way. It didn't long for me to see where she was going and once I saw her turn around again. That was when I began to move after scouring out the other areas that she had been in while asking some of the local folk too. It made it easier to find her and to know where she was going as well.

The woman was only trying to escape from those brutes, but they knew the city well and she didn't. It was obvious with the way that she had twisted and turn trying to figure out the roads that connect to the main road as well. She kept slipping further away into the bad section, but they were purposely doing that. They were going to corner her and it was working well for them until I had intervened. Now, we were safe from those fools and in a little abandoned building that had been empty for some time now. This area needed to sweep thoroughly with a fine pick with all the weasels, the thieves, and the other shady people that live back here. 

It hadn't been long waiting when she came rushing down the road and with easy movements. The woman was in my arms along with my hand over her mouth to stifle her surprised scream, but the way that she was shaking had made me pause. It was enough for her to slip out of my grasp, only to see who it was that was behind her. Relief had flooded those dark eyes of hers before she step closer to me and had thrown her arms around my torso. My eyes widened as I was not expecting any of this at all. It was not something that I was expecting, but the way that her shoulder shake.

I knew that this had scared her and with slow steps, I back us up into a corner while gently knocking her knees out before sitting down in the corner. With the woman secure in my arms, we waited for the passing danger to go by. I kept her near me and clasp my hand over her mouth as she was making soft sounds. There was a feeling of wetness against my shirt and I knew she was trying to be quiet, but it wasn't working. I only saw her cry once-only once out of frustration. Now, here she was in that same state again.

The men outside of the building were cursing up a storm as they threw something against the wall. It shatters right on impact as Kalila jumped in my arms, but she wasn't the only one either. I was not prepared for that loudness either, but we were still safe. We were still okay. As I listen intently for the retreating footsteps, Kalila had gone silent as well. We waited for a few more seconds while making sure the ghost was clear before we start moving again. Kalila had tilted her teary-filled face upwards towards me and she didn't speak, but I didn't either.

With a shaky hand of mine, I managed to brush those tears away from her cheeks. Something began to ache low in the stomach region as I look at the messy state she was in. Those eyes hold nothing, but relief and fear there. She was transforming into a person again and I know this because Malik had said the same thing to me when I look like her. I didn't realize what he meant by that, but I knew what he meant now. The only thing that I didn't know what to do in this situation was how to comfort someone. It didn't help that she was staring up at me like that either, but those lips of hers.

What would she taste like if I were to lean in and capture them right now? Would she taste salty from her tears? Something completely different other than that? She pulled away and my mind instantly went still while waiting for her to say something or do something. Was she going to try and hit me again? That was when she turn her head to look at me with a wary expression, but there was confusion there in those dark eyes of hers. I rose an eyebrow up at her as she spoke hoarsely, "Thank you." 

My eyes widen as I was surprised by her gratitude as that was something new for me. No one had ever said thank you before. The way that the woman had ducked her head against my chest, but not before I was able to see her flush cheeks of her. At least her shaking had stopped as I place my hand in the middle of her shoulder blades, "Anytime." I managed to get out as I realized my voice had dropped low as well. What in the world is wrong with me? 

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