Chapter: 17 The Templar Meeting (Edited)

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Chapter: 17

Kalila's POV: 

As we file down into the darkness and my vision adjusted to the dimness. I realized that we were on an overhang that was overlooking the meeting that was taken place. Unfamiliar faces were surrounding the table. There were about six of them altogether which isn't surprising at all. They didn't work as assassins did, but no one works like the assassins. Altair had followed me as we creep to the front to listen to the meeting down below us. It was a circle alcove and was well-hidden from the outside world as well. There were heavy red curtains hiding the sun that was coming in through the arch windows. 

We hid behind crates that will keep us well-hidden, but a front view of the meeting. Altair's hand was on my back as I look over at him. Holding my breath as I did so, he places his finger against his lips while telling me to be quiet. I gave him a glaring look, but I turn my attention away and focus on the group before us. 

All of them were making small talk and none of them were saying anything that was useful. All unnecessary crap. It wasn't surprising to see that as we couldn't watch them. Eyeing every single one as Altair leans over to me and whispered in my ear, "That one in the red. He is Eshan."

My breathing was shallow as I turn to face him after looking at Eshan. My body burning from his words against my ear. Altair was tense as he didn't move his face away from mine. The small talk was fading into the distance. As it was Altair and me, not giving each other a glaring look, but a civilized look as well. It made me look at him differently. "All right. Let's get started shall we?" A different voice broke us out of our trance as we look back at who was speaking.

The man was dark brown cropped hair and dark eyes. He was built nicely for a man who was in his middle age state. Someone like him knew how to run Templars just like him. It wasn't very surprising, to say the least. For some reason, this man was familiar. There was a tingling sensation in the back of my mind as if my mind was trying to come up with a face to match his.

As I stare at him and took in his stance, the way that he moves. The familiarity was becoming stronger than before. There was something about him. My eyes follow his lips and the way that he talks. My head tilting a little while listening to him. He was ordering the Templars to do their assignments and to have them keep a watch out for a young woman. He didn't emphasize who the young woman was, but he did give a description that sounded a lot like me. Then it dawns on me. My mouth open, but it was quickly clasped by a male hand. I struggled against his hand, but he only pulled me to his chest, whispering in my ear, "Shush. You don't want to cause a scene here. We are greatly outnumbered here."

I only nodded my head to him as he let go and I shove him away. The Templars below were dispersing and going into small groups to discuss whatever they were talking about. The man that stood there did a familiar stance and suddenly it dawns on me that his stance reminded me of my father. My mouth dropped open and it wasn't my father, but someone else. Someone that was close to my family. Well, to one of my parents he was. The question now, who was he to me?

Altair gently pushes me and I look over at him. He gestures for me to go out the way that we had come in. Stiffly, I turn around and did as he says. Casting one more look in the direction of the man that shares a resemblance to my father especially the way that he moves, but I was too young to know. I was too young to understand anything. Somehow, I managed to get out of there without making a noise, but once I did and felt the sun on me. Everything came flooding through me and I sat there with my hands on my head.

My dark locks making a curtain around me as I sat there trying to process everything. Altair kneeled before while speaking softly, "Kalila, we need to tell Malik of their assignments and about you as well."

I know that he was right, but I couldn't move. Altair places a hand on my head. Surprising me by the warm gentle touch as I look up at him with eyes that held unshed tears in them. "Come on, Kalila. We need to get going before they decided to leave and then we will have to wait here until they are gone." He coaxes me in that same soft tone, but I could tell he was awkward again.

With a slow nod, he helps me to my feet and we were jumping onto the other flat roofs. We only stop to scale down the side of one building and dropped to the ground. From there, we made our way back to Malik with the grave news that we have overhead from those stupid Templars. Especially the one who was leading them and the familiarity of him as well.


It wasn't long before we reach the bureau once again. Malik had come out from the storage room. The one that I was in suffering from poison and if it wasn't them. I could have possibly ended up dead by now. A shudder went through me while I watch as Malik come toward us. His eyes met mine and a frown spread across his lips. He looks over at Altair and his frown deepens as we share a look with each other. We were slightly confused by him, but soon Malik explains, "So, let me guess..." He pauses for dramatic effect before continuing, "You guys learn something from the Templars that isn't good?" 

Altair rolled his eyes while speaking, "It's worst than that." 

They both look over at me as I spoke in a quiet voice, "The Templar leader is my Uncle. He could be my mother's or my father's, but I am wanted by that man." 

Malik look struck as he looks over at Altair while speaking and flicking his gaze by to me, "We need to delve deeper into your background then, Kalila."

As if he had pushed a button, the memories swarm around in my mind and bringing back to that dreadful day of the attack. The siege on Maysaf. Returning home to a bloody massacre. A message to the assassin's there, but now it made more sense. It was also a message for me that they will find me later. Whether it'll be now or back then, but the didn't find me. They never did. Now, my Uncle was making me notorious. I bit my lip as I remember the screams that tore from my lips. The panic that ensues after that and then nothing, but darkness. 

"Kalila?" Altair gently nudges me.

I decline them immediately, "No." 

"But Kalila-" Malik began.

I took a step back away from them and shouted at them, "I said no!" 

Altair spoke while folding his arms across his chest, "How are we supposed to know who this man is related to without your help or to know your history?" 

I didn't say anything as I close my eyes against the terrible images that came into my mind. I didn't say anything as I took off and ran to the women's bathhouse as they won't dare follow me in there. Even they did it before, but it was because of that woman named Arabella who let them into the bathhouse. I look at the water and felt the need to soak. Plus, it would help my mind to settle as well. With a deep breath, I stripped myself out of the garments as I bundle them up and place them on the chair. So, they wouldn't get wet. 

The water felt amazing as I plunge myself into its depth and brought my knees up to my chest to sit there. Letting the water soak into my skin. My hair flowy around me in dark strands of midnight color. The water making it look as if I had stars in my hair, but I shook my head. Feeling utterly ridiculous for that thought to even cross my mind. I place my hand against my forehead and place it on my knee. My emotions were bubbling to the surface as those painful memories enter my mind once more and there was nothing that I could do to stop it.

Tears rolled my cheeks as I began to sobbed softly. Everything was so messed up. Nothing seems right anymore. There was no purpose for me to do this. Not even going along with this. What the hell was I supposed to do against my Uncle? I was notorious among the Templars. There was no way that I can keep on searching or getting my revenge against them without him knowing that I am alive. The question is though. Am I ready to face my Uncle?

I already know that answer and it was a big fat no.

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