Chapter: 19 Traveling With a Lesson in Planned (Edited)

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Chapter: 19

Kalila's POV:

Morning came again and Malik was even surprised to see us together so early in the morning. He wasn't even sure if that was a good thing or not but after Altair relay the information that I had given him last night. It seems that Malik was impressed while glancing over to me with approval in his eyes. It was certainly a little bit embarrassing, but that was a good thing. Then Malik gave Altair a very narrow look that almost made him look like a cat. Seeing that and wondering what he was going to say as Altair grew tense from his stare.

It was silent between them and I could see the edge of Altair's lips beginning to twitch, but before he could say anything. Malik opens his mouth as his words slipped off of his tongue, "All right then. Altair, you're still on punishment duty, but with this woman involved. I guess this is where you'll start your mentorship fully again." 

Altair seems surprised by his words and then nodded his head as well but didn't say anything to that at all. Even though it had to involve me which is kind of odd for Altair, but I'm not going to say anything that would deter him from going to Maysaf or stopping me from going either. Both of the males glance my way, as Malik smiles kindly at me, "It seems that your journey is starting and you have a long way to go."

His words sent a fluttery feeling through me and my lips twitch before a small smile spread across my lips. Warmth spread through my entire body and to know that I was heading in the right direction. I wouldn't be here or finding this purpose again without them. It was thanks to them that I was able to move forward once again. That they had given me time as well as tag along to the meeting. I would have not known at all and now, with them, I could actually do something about getting my revenge against my Uncle or whoever he was that was related to me. He had to be my Uncle on my mother's side or my father's side. Someone's side. 

My dark eyes travel to their faces to see a surprised look on their faces and I tilted my head to the side while giving them a quizzical look, "What? What are you staring at?" 

Malik smirked, "Nothing at all. You both should get moving before the sun reaches its peaks."

Altair rolled his shoulders while not saying anything and walk over to the door that leads out to the outside. The opportunities were now an open door and I could possibly see a small sliver of my future now. Maybe, not all the way, but I was getting there. Everything will fall into place after this and I can know what kind of secrets that my parents had kept away from him. Knowing the tug in my stomach was my guidance and it was telling me that I was heading in the right direction. Even the symbol appeared in my head again as well as a wooden chest box with a keyhole and that symbolic icon on the front of it as well. 

I can't believe that it took me all this time to remember my home back in Maysaf of where I was a little girl. The tragedy must have been the one to keep me away and not to look back on it, but it was where everything started and had ended for the little girl who would never know a parent's loving embrace again. Later on, in the years, I had also learned that I wasn't the only one who suffer the terror of losing their parents either.

The sun felt warm against my face as I pulled my hood up while looking over to Altair who had two horses that were saddle up and ready. That was quick. My feet guided me over to him as I took the reins from his hand as our fingers graze each other. Our eyes connecting with one another as his gaze was intent and hold annoyance as well, but some other emotion was flickering in and out in that gaze of his. For once, I was the one that had turn away from him and managed to climb up onto the saddle. Placing my feet in the stirrups while glancing over at him.

He was smirking underneath that hood of his before he hopped onto his horse and slinging his feet right into the stirrups. Showing how many times he was on and off the horse. Show off. With a click of his tongue, both of us were off and heading to the gate to bypass the guards and exit Acre. It didn't take us long to get out of there and on the main road as well. Both of us were silent during the journey to Maysaf, but every now and then I would feel his eyes on me. Every time that I would turn to look at him, he was facing forward. It made me curious about why he kept looking at me. Maybe, it was my imagination playing tricks on me.

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