Chapter: 8 Violence (Edited)

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Chapter: 8

Kalila's POV:

Night had come again and I was sitting on the window ledge while gazing out of the window. The cool night air blew across my face as I gaze down at myself. The robes that I wore fit me quite well. They were a little loose on me considering that I had lost weight. It wasn't surprising since I didn't have the coin to spare and every little bit of it was spare for expenses. My eyes took in the moon and the stars that glimmer in the black velvet sky. At least it was clear tonight and that I could gaze up at the sky without any interference from cloud cover. My mind was clear and my shoulder wasn't hurting so much as before which meant that it was a good sign. I was healing if I was healing slowly. 

My eyes went to the streets below me as I ponder over Malik's words of becoming one of them. Someone like Altair, but I don't know the first thing about them at all. What is there for me to learn? I rubbed my wrist as it was out of habit for me to do so. The night had always been my friend as it allows me to have peace and quiet. There was no noise. It was completely silent and the stalls were empty of civilians. There were many questions running through my mind that I didn't understand at all. My heart aches for the loss of my parents and all I wanted was revenge on the Templars who had murdered them. 

Nothing would please me more than to see their heads on a severed spike. All of them will pay for what they did. I will make sure of it. There will be time to complete my task. All I had to do was be patient about it. I snorted to myself and knowing full well that I was impatient to do something on my own. That I was wasting my time being here and those murderers are still walking the streets completely free without any consequences as well. It made me angry and there was nothing that I could do about it. 

I close my eyes while leaning my head back against the wall and letting out a soft sigh of relief. It was quiet. Nothing to worried about or even the sounds of the civilians doing their business. This was what I like about the night. The total silence that follows after a busy-bustling day. 

"If you are planning to sleep on the window sill, you will roll out onto the ground and be flatten." An annoying voice broke through my calmness. 

An annoyed groan escapes from me while I open my eyes to see Altair walking through me with his hood on. Does he ever take that damn hood off? I bet he doesn't. I shook my head while asking him, "What the hell are you bothering me for?" 

He stopped at my makeshift bed as I was on the windowsill before it and I knew he was watching me from underneath that hood of his. I was confused about why he didn't say anything and I wasn't sure what to expect from him, but it was annoying. I snorted unladylike and turn my gaze away from the Altair and back out to the quiet city that layout before me. Finally, after a while, he asked in a controlled voice and his temper was not showing either, "Who had died? Why are you wanting this revenge against the Templars? Knowing full well you aren't trained enough and will get yourself killed." 

My eyes went back to him as I scowled at the questions and not wanting to answer them at all, but some part of me wanted to let him know. I didn't exactly know why. Maybe, it was the thing of letting someone know. Why him? Why not Malik? Malik was easier to talk to than Altair. The freaking hard-headed jerk who had no manners what-so-ever. Altair demanded, "Well? What are you waiting for? The sunrise?" 

"If you're going to keep that up, then I won't bother in telling you." My voice was icy and my anger was burning inside of me. My hands clenching into fists without me realizing that I did. With some self-control, I unclenched my hands and took a deep breath to settle myself. 

Altair seems to shut his trap for once in his miserable little life and it looks like he had taken a bit back from my reaction. Good, let him know that this isn't an easy subject for me. It wasn't like he cares at all. So, why the hell is he even bothering to ask me? With a frustrated sigh that escape from my lips, I answered his questions, "My parents died. Slaughter like vermin and baring the cross of the Templars. I want revenge on those monsters for taking away my parents and my childhood."

My dark brown eyes stunned with hot tears as I look away from him. I will not cry in front of this man. He doesn't need to know how badly it affects me. He spoke softly, "I am sorry."

I snapped, "I don't need anyone's pity!"

"It isn't pitied." He snapped back at me.

We glare at each other as I could barely make out his dark eyes from underneath that hood of his. He spoke, "You are not the only one who had lost their own parents. We all did in one form or another or they simply abandon us to survive on their own. Everyone wants revenge." 

My eyes narrow and I look away from him, "Stop putting me in with you guys. I don't belong here and I am certainly not this novice of yours either."

"Why must you be so stubborn?" He shouted at me losing his anger.

"Don't you dare called me stubborn when you are a stubborn mule yourself!" I shouted right back at him. 

"You don't even know me!" He counters back.

"You don't either!" I jabbed right back at him. 

Both of us were gasping and glowering at one another, sizing each other up. With a soft growl that escapes from his lips, he walks away from me. I folded my arms across my chest as he turns around and shouted right back at me, "Take the damn help from Malik! You can't defend yourself against those Templars. You are a useless woman!" 

I was completely stunned by his words and the last words made me angry. So very angry that I couldn't stand to be called that. I haven't been useless at all! I haven't survived this long! Without realizing what I was doing, I had gotten down from the window ledge. My feet took off running over to the door as he made a big mistake in calling me that. I open the doors with such anger that they rattle against the walls. Altair was down the hallway as he hadn't gotten far considering he had a headstart, but when he saw me. 

The irritation grew on his face and a deep scowl spread across those lips of his. I storm over to him and without a second thought. I swung with all of my might at him except he caught my wrist and I use my other one, but he caught that too. With an angry snarl of rage, I kick him right in the stomach area as he releases my wrists. I use my elbow to drive it straight into his chest. That earned me a sharp grunt from him which sent my adrenaline higher as my surroundings were blurring out and all I see was that jerk who thinks he can say whatever to me and get away with it. I don't think so. 

He was taken back from me using my elbow, I shouted at him, "Do you think I am useless now?" I swung again with my fist at him only for him to catch my arm this time and flipping me around as his hard rock chest met my back. A snarl of rage left my lips again as I struggled against him and thrashing in his hold on me. Screaming for him to let me go and threatening to end him as well. He didn't say anything at all which made me even more furious. I didn't care that he was hurting me. I didn't care that his words had such an impact on me and I use every move that I knew to get out of his grip. 

A faint, but familiar voice called out to us, "Altair, let her go now!"

Something hit the back of my neck and I gave a painful grunt. It was like my entire body went limp right then and there for some reason. My surroundings were fading away as I was crumbling to the ground and my inner soul was screaming for retribution. Even as I fell onto the floor, I felt my tears slipping down my cheeks. I hated myself that I couldn't make him pay for the words that he had used on me. I hate it! I hate him! 

Then I heard nothing and I felt nothing as I surrender myself to the darkness that had claimed me once again.

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