Chapter: 28 Training Time

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Chapter: 28 

Kalila's POV: 

As I walk into the training room, I notice the hay dummies sitting on sticks. Swords standing on one side of the room along with shields above them. There were other weapons presented here as well as throwing knives too, but those were sitting on a wooden table. There was armor standing in one corner of the room as it was shining in the weak sunlight that was streaming through, but fading quickly since rain was on its way. It seems like a good day to do my training. At least we were indoors and not outdoors in that arena again.

Altair went over to get two wooden swords before coming back over and handing me one. He was quiet all the way here, but now his face had entered a serious expression. "Let me see your fighting position, Kalila." He instructed me while observing me.

Somehow, the way that his eyes were on me. It made me feel a little hot underneath the collar for some reason. His eyes met mine and we ended up looking away from each other, but he close the distance between us. The way that he stood there in front of her as he took her hips and guide her into the proper stance, as well as grasped her arms to place them in position as well. Then her legs as well. It felt odd to be in this position when Altair straighten up. He gazes down at me with that unknown look in those dark eyes of his. "This is the position that you needed to be in." His eyes dipped to my lips before looking away again.

Something was happening here and I wasn't sure what to make of it. "All right. Then what?" My voice was breathless as I tilted my head to the side.

He quickly fix my tilted head, "Stay in this position. Don't move a single muscle." 

My lips lock themselves together before he walk around and pressed his back to mine and a shaky gasp left my lips as his lips were next to my ear, "This is the position you want to be in when you lost your blades, anything that is sharp. If you fall back into this position, you can move quick and swift especially if pinned against a wall." 

His hands clasp around mine while he jabbed our hands outward as if they were together, moving as one and it was beginning to feel like I was doing something right. For once, I felt like I was progressing as we finish a series of moves. He pulled away from me as we had finished and I was able to breathe again. Altair clear his throat, "That should at least save you if you lost a hold of your blades and can't get to them or unleash the hidden blade." His eyes dropped down to my wrist and realize that I wasn't wearing the glove. 

"Why aren't you wearing your hidden blade? It was passed down through your family wasn't it?" He asked me.

"If it is, isn't it the daughter's choice to choose the same thing as her parents did?" I asked him with those horrible flashes in the forefront of my mind. I will never forget how my parents died. I never will forget it as long as I lived.

"I guess it would be up to her, but why would you wait?" He asked.

I was quiet while thinking about his question and Malik's own words as well. He had given me an option to use it or not and I didn't want to. At least not yet, now Altair was asking me about it as well. I wasn't sure about the choice to continue that tradition. "I don't know..." I murmured softly, but continue, "I guess I don't want to end up as my parents..." 

"Another choice for you to make." He pointed out while picking up the wooden sword and pointing at me.

"Get into the stance that I had shown you." He order me and I nodded.

I got into the stance that he had taught me and raised the wooden sword before the match began between us as it took those heavy thoughts away from my mind. I let myself fall into the steady rhythm of the dance of battle. The wood clashes with each other as I wonder if I accept the glove. Will I fall like my parents? If I accepted it, then will I be able to avenge their deaths? I wasn't sure at all, but I focus on the swings of my sword against Altair. The way that he swung at me had me in positions that I didn't know that I could put myself into.

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