Chapter: 2 Run in With The Assassin (Edited)

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Chapter: 2

Kalila's POV: 

I let out a sigh of relief once I had returned to Jerusalem. It took me a while to reach my destination, but I managed to escape the man that was dressed in those odd robes back in Damascus. My eyes scanned the area around to see civilians walking around. There were young women with vases on their heads that were filled with water, but nothing was different about the civilization. There was no Templars around and nothing out of the ordinary here either, but that doesn't mean that they are in one of these buildings. I could be paranoid. If I'm going to hunt these Templars down, I have to make sure that they are here and left clues for me to find.

I guess for now I can take a break even though I don't want to. What is the point in searching blindly through the city without any leads to go on? A frustrated sigh escaped from me as I made sure to tie my horse's reins to the post. It nudges me with its large nose as a chuckle escapes from my lips in amusement to the horse's affectionate touch. I place a kiss on the horse's nose before walking down the street of Jerusalem. I kept my eyes open for any strange movement that might be Templar activity. I can never be too careful, but I will get my answers one way or another.

The red cross was all I could see in my dreams at night. Those Templars have been haunting my memories. Reminding me of what I had lost and my thirst for revenge. It will be by my blade and they will know what it is like to feel pain. I will track every single one of them down and they will feel the wrath of me. How dare they just kill my parents and think they could get away with it? It infuriates me to no end! Those cruel Templar's make my blood boil to no end. It's only a matter of time before I find one of them.

A soft sigh escapes from me as I handle my anger quite well. I climb up the side of the building. Finding little holes in the wall to place my feet before scaling the side up to the roof. I heave myself over the edge while pulling myself onto my own feet. My eyes were gazing at the people that were getting ready to go into their homes for the night. From my advantage point, I could see a lot of things. Well, only some of the civilians were. The sun was setting over the horizon as I sat down with a heavy feeling. I flip my hood off of my head while letting the wind whip my hair around. It was peaceful in the city of Jerusalem. It's how I like it. No complications. No worries and I can relax.

I couldn't fully relax as my mind kept replaying what had happened earlier. The guy in those white robes of his. Ruining my chance with the Templar to get some answers, but I wasn't going to expose myself right then and there to that man. Who was he anyway? Why the strange clothing as well? Something was fluttering in the back of my mind, but the more that I try to grasp the thread to pull it forward. It slipped further back out of my reach. It frustrated me to the point where I got up on my own two feet before brushing myself off. The sun was starting to set and it was time for me to get going again. 

Slowly, I climb down the wall of the building. The late evening was really quiet and it made me on edge. It was too quiet for my liking. It must be me feeling tense after today's events and almost being spotted as well. I had escaped with my life, but that doesn't mean anything at all. Once I reach the ground, my eyes scanned my surroundings before turning around to head in the direction of where I was living. I flipped my hood over my head, but apparently, that was a big mistake on my part. 

A man shouted with a deep voice that was filled with disgust "Halt! Turn around you filthy Assassin!"

An assassin? Someone is actually an Assassin? What is this Assassin? With ease, I turn around slowly to face a Templar that had a scowl on his face. I spoke in a cool tone, "I'm not this assassin that you speak of."

"Don't fool me! The hood acknowledge us that your one of those assassins! You will pay for what you did in Damascus!" The Templar shouted while taking his sword and swinging at me. My eyes widen in complete fright before dodging to the right. Barely missing the silver sword that flashes in the low lighting of the sun. 

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