Chapter: 29 Healing While Gathering Intel

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Chapter: 29

Kalila's POV: 

Everything felt cold to me for some reason as I shiver underneath the covers that I had over me. I had awakened a couple of times before closing my eyes and resting some more. I don't get what happened to me. I was perfectly fine one moment and then the next I ended up blacking out. What strange thing had happened to me? A soft sigh escape from my lips while I opened my eyes to the sun that was blazing in through the arch windows. It seem that it was a warm day, but I couldn't feel the warmth. I was so cold as I curled up on my side. 

The door had opened as I lay there on my side facing the arch windows. The blue skies were overhead while the sun's rays were washing down on the city of Acre. The more time that I waste here, the more time those Templars were going to get away, but at the same time. I had to keep a low profile thanks to my Uncle's goons. Someone touched my shoulder and I was startled out of my rest. Not realizing that I closed my eyes again. I look over at the person who had startled the crap out of me and see that Altair was there with Malik. 

"You look worst than before..." Malik murmured with concern.

Altair had a deep frown on his lips as his eyes met mine and confusion washed over me. There was worry in those eyes of his. Was I dreaming all of this right now? Altair look away from Malik while I curled up underneath the covers some more. Malik spoke softly, "Kalila, I need you to drink some water and eat something. You had been sleeping non-stop."

I didn't feel like eating anything at the moment and I could feel that Altair was watching me again. I gaze up at him again as he looks at Malik once more, so I did the same as well. He was worried too and I rasped out, "I don't think I have the energy to sit up." 

Altair immediately slipped in behind me and gently push me up into a sitting position while my back was pressed against his chest. I felt like one of those rag dolls and I look over at Malik to see him grabbing the water first. He handed me the cup, I reach out to take it and bring the cup to my dry-out lips. The water was refreshing as it went down my dry throat and he took the cup away from me before handing me the food, but I made a face at it. 

My stomach rolled at the sight of it as I breathed out shakily, but with the help of Altair. Somehow, I was able to stomach the bowl of whatever Malik had managed to whip up. It wasn't too bad and it was easy on the stomach too. There was only half of it left and I didn't want to finish it, but it seem to satisfy both of the men in the room. As Malik murmured a few incoherent words, he was up and walking out of the room. Altair hadn't moved from where he was sitting behind and for some reason, this was nice. "Why is this happening to me?" I groan softly.

"Exhaustion lays heavy on your shoulders. Neither of us saw how much we were pushing you until your body gave out on its own." Altair explains in a soft voice. 

"Why are you being so nice all of sudden?" I sent him a suspicious look up at him. 

To my amazement, he gave me a crooked smirk as his dark eyes glimmered with some unknown emotion that I couldn't decipher. Everything was humming softly inside of me and it was because of that little smirk of his. He spoke softly, "I am not angry all the time. You have a knack for getting underneath my skin." 

"Likewise," I muttered. 

A deep chuckle went through his body while I felt him rumbling against my back, but for some reason. It brought a smile to my lips and it didn't feel forced. It felt natural. A soft sigh escapes from his lips, "Yes, it seems that way, huh?" He murmured against my ear and the way that his breath brushed against the shell of my ear had my stomach in flutters. Something like a twinge happened as I look up at him and to see that he was gazing down at me, his hand pressed against my forehead, "It seems like you're still running a fever." His voice was rough sounding to the ears. 

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