Chapter: 10 Demands (Edited)

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Chapter: 10

Altair's POV:

I was out on the town of Acre. Doing my rounds as usual, but my mind kept going back to the girl that was with Malik back at the bureau. I didn't know what to do about that damn woman. A soft sigh escapes from my lips while I glance around me. Things were a little uneasy around here, but it made me actually sit and think. Wouldn't Malik be surprised? With a scoff, I leap to another building while bursting into a run. My job here was done already. I only stay out long enough to make sure that I had gathered enough evidence for Malik to actually send me on a real assignment. 

This running around was not my thing at all. I like to take action before talking. My feet pause on the edge of the building while I crouch down at the opening. My ears picking up soft thuds of books going into slots. Malik must be arranged things once again. Good, at least I won't have to face that woman again. I climb down from the roof and into the opening while walking to the entrance way. My eyes widen to see that damn woman Kalila there rearranging books as if she had taken Malik's job already. 

I gritted my teeth together as I didn't want to run into this woman again. Not today. Not after our spat. She started it anyway! My anger was coursing through me as Malik came from a storage room in the back while glancing over to me. "Back so soon, Altair? I thought you'll be out longer?" 

Kalila barely gave me a glance while making a 'hmph' sound. Why that little snuck-up princess? "Why is that?" I asked tersely.

"Well, isn't it obvious?" He asked.

My eyes scan the room and realized that I was right in the first place. "Rearranging again? I swear you are like the women that can't keep things in the right places."

"At least I am organized, can't say much about you, Altair?" Malik smirk. 

A snorted sound came from the woman as I turn to look over at her to see that she had a hand over her mouth. Her shoulders trembling a little. I wasn't sure if she was crying again or whatever she was doing. Then again, she wasn't my concern. "Shut up." I glared at Malik.

He was looking over at Kalila as he was quite pleased with himself, "Very well. What do you have for me?" 

Today was going to be another long day. 

Just great.


Kalila's POV:

Malik was kind enough to let me help him organize his area. He was in charge of giving Altair his assignments and where to go, but I wonder if he had any information on the ones that I was looking for. It made me wonder if he would tell me. As I putting his books away and other things that he had asked me to do. I listen to Malik and Altair discuss what Altair had heard today. He was listening to conversations that might be useful to them. I barely even pay attention to him when he had arrived, but Malik knew how to put him in his place which was hilarious. 

I didn't laugh outright, but I almost did. It was a rare thing for me to do. Things have been okay. I have gotten use to Malik and he hadn't asked me if I had made a decision yet. A soft sigh escapes from my lips as I finish up with the books. I was on the last two shelves. We have been filling the shelves since this morning. Since I was bored out of my mind and didn't know what I could do. So, Malik was relieving me of my boredom. With a soft sigh, I look over to them to see that they were still talking. Quietly now. 

My curiosity was getting the better of me as I held a book in my hands as I heard Altair telling Malik that made my blood freeze, "It was strange, Malik. The guards say that this man that goes by the name of some guy name Ehsan. He is actually here."

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