Chapter: 25 The Hunted Became The Hunter

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Chapter: 25

Altair's POV:

That woman does get underneath my skin. She had no right to do that but at the same time. These strange feelings were going through me. The way that she looks so surprised in the bathing chambers. Her beautiful body was submerged in the water and the way that her long dark hair had covered the front of her. Why are my cheeks burning? It wasn't like it was the first time that I had seen a woman naked. It didn't help that my eyes drifted lower to her full round bosom which was bigger than Arabella's. Kalila did have a nice body and it certainly made me have this itch to touch her.

That skin that looks so smooth, not a scratch on her body at all. The way that her face flushed the moment that she realized that I had skidded into the bathing chamber. Not knowing what was to come of it at all. The way that her expressions were becoming more vivid now. The way woman was flourishing in so many ways that I wanted to continue to watch her but at the same time. There was that unknown feeling blossoming inside of me. All of this was strange. That stupid woman. 

A frustrated huff escaped from my lips as I was in the middle of town and look around while noticing how people were meddling around. The market was surprisingly not busy, but it wasn't the time of day. At least not for a couple of more hours than it will be. Slowly, I walk down the road while observing my surroundings. There were a couple of people that were off and slowly, I walk over to a group while pretending to be interested in something, but close enough to hear them.

They were whispering among each other and a particular name was whispered between them. Ehsan. It made me think about that woman again. It made me wonder if it was time for her to proceed with this ridiculous notation of going after them, but I could understand her revenge as well. The man kept whispering nonsense and even more crap spewing from their mouths. I was close to assassinating them both, but then a name fell from their lips. A familiar name and then the name of her uncle as well. The one that wanted her. 

"Where could she be anyway?" One of them asked while letting out a frustrated breath.

"Who knows? It's an impossible task, but the woman is his niece and he wants her to be found." The other murmured back.

"That depends if she is still alive." The other one that spoke first had tilted his head to the side while picking up an object from a stall.

"She is in hiding, but it was why we are searching for her now. We should be seeing her soon. There are rumors about." The second one shrugged his shoulders and I knew at that moment that Kalila was in danger. In grave danger that the Templars were searching for her, as the two of them disappeared into the crowd. It was then that I turn around in the opposite direction before racing off back to the bureau to tell Malik what I had learned. I couldn't believe this crap at all! 

It didn't take me long to reach the bureau again while making my way to the rooftop before going through the opening. "Malik!" I called out while racing to the main room to close the short distance between him and me.

He turn around while putting a book back into place as he had another book in his arm, "Altair, back so soon?" He smirks at me.

"Where is Kalila?" I demanded.

"I thought you didn't want to see her..." He was confused and gave me a strange look.

I gave him a narrow look while demanding, "Where the hell is she?"

Malik narrows his own eyes while facing me directly and making direct eye contact as well, "I sent her out on her first mission. A simple one..."

"She's in danger!" I shouted at him.

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