Chapter: 5 Malik (Edited)

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Chapter: 5

Kalila's POV: 

The throbbing pain in my shoulder was making me ache and all I could think about was how to stop the pain from spreading through my entire body. Thump. A soft hissing noise escapes from my lips as the horse was trotting up the hill, but with every step that the horse took. It sent pain through my shoulder. Maybe, this was the stupidest idea that I had. There could have been another opportunity for me to escape from that man, but I had to get away from him. I didn't trust anyone and so far. I got away from having to deal with anyone like him. The thing was it made think about his words. What was he speaking about? I never heard of those except the Templars because they strike fear into the civilians. 

They were the ruling power and very dangerous, but I made myself know as much as I could about them. So, I can hunt them down to get my revenge. To make them suffer like they made my parents suffer after the siege of Maysaf. It was that day that I had lost my parents. It made me an orphan with no one to turn to. I was alone. I had to do to survive and nothing was going to stop me from achieving my goals. Especially not this damn injury that I received because of my stupid mistake of letting my guard down. 

It didn't take me long to make it to Acres. The city was bustling with people, but crime as well which wasn't surprising at all. After managing to tied my horse's reins to the post where it could rest and get some much-needed water after that long trekked through that sandy canyon. My feet guided me past the guards and into the city. My eyes took in everything that was out here. My eyes narrow slightly as the pain was throbbing in my shoulder. From lifting myself into the saddle and had gotten off as well. It did not help the pain at all. Maybe, this was a foolish mistake. The biggest one that I have made.

I had no choice. I must do this whether it kills me or not. The main purpose was to get away from that man and continue on my own, but where am I suppose to go now? Where will I stay now since I ran? I'll manage something. I always do. Why do I need to lean on someone all of sudden? I can do this. With a shake of my head to clear my thoughts, I made my decision and decided to stride forward into the town of Acre. Gently, I push pedestrians out of my way and look around the city. There must be an inn or something around here where I can stay for the night. Until I am healed enough to continue on with my search. 

Everything was blurring together. The people's faces. People talking and some of the guys were flirting with the ladies that were wearing fine clothing and shielding their pretty faces behind a veil while giggling at the men's compliments. It made me realize who they were as I took in their clothes. Dancers, but also known as prostitutes. Selling their bodies for money. It was disgusting. With a scowl on my lips, I continue on my way. It didn't help the fact that I was wobbling and feeling my strength ebbing away slowly. I wasn't going to last long before I ended collapsing right in the middle of the street. That wouldn't be good at all.

So many colors swirling together as my feet stumble through the crowd that I had to get through. From the looks of it, I was entering the city's market square. So many voices and I couldn't pick out who was saying what. All of it was making me annoyed and completely irritated as well. With my stumbling, I ended up accidentally bumping into someone and I spoke in a tight voice, "Excuse me."

I only caught a glimpse of familiar robes, but they were shielded by a brown cloak that was around him. Without thinking much about it, I made my way through the market place. Looking around and probably looking quite lost. Not knowing where I was. It was going to take me forever to find a place for me to crash. I needed to get some medicine for my shoulder. Then it dongs on me slowly that there should be a merchant selling some healing items that would be beneficial in my case. I look around to so many markets stands that I didn't know which one that I wanted to go to first. 

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