Chapter: 9 Differences (Edited)

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Chapter: 9

Altair's POV: 

Once I had managed to put Kalila back in bed, Malik was there instantly and making sure that her shoulder wasn't injured from us squaring off with one another. I can't believe that she had thought she could swing at me. I had more training than she did and I knew moves that she didn't. I caught the tears that had fallen from her eyes and I knew that when she wakes up. She was going to have a terrible headache, but something inside of me twisted painfully. The tears made me hate her even more for being weak, but she did something inside of me. Was this feeling called guilt? Was I actually guilty of hurting her?

Malik jolted me out of my thoughts as I shook my head mentally to get rid of those strange thoughts and even the feeling of guilt as well, but that one was harder to shake off. Malik began to speak, "She opens some of her wound, but most of it is quite heal." Malik gave a low whistle to see if anyone was near and as if the woman was standing there in the hallway. She came in with bandages, a bowl of water, and a cloth as well. With a glaring look at me, she moves past me to sit down next to Malik as they began to bandage her again. 

"What the hell did you think you were doing to her?" He asked me as the woman began to remove the bandages. I realized that she must be a healer of sorts and Malik had found her. 

"I wasn't the one that started it. She did." I pointed back at the woman that was slump against Malik's shoulder as the healer began to work on replacing her bandages. 

"What are you? A child!" He scolded me as I threw up my hands as I couldn't believe this. I turn away and walk over to the window while his voice still reaches me.

"You didn't think about her wound at all. You only thought about giving what she deserves. Is that correct, Altair?" Malik demanded.

I was quiet for a moment before responding to his allegations, "No, Malik. This time I wasn't, but if she wanted a fight then so I gave one to her." 

My head swerves around to see him staring at me with surprised, but suspicion as well which wasn't surprising at all. That's what I always seem to do with Malik was raise suspicion for my actions which I don't care what he thought at all. A soft sigh escapes from his lips, "Very well then. It was foolish to engage her like that." 

"Again! I wasn't the one who started it!" I shouted at him with anger that was practically rolling off of me. 

He ignores me as the Healer did quick work and she was all patch up along with her top back on. I felt a little hot underneath the collar, but I shook my head before leaving the room. Not looking back at them at all. Malik doesn't understand a damn thing. He should be thanking me right about now when she agrees to him. Of course, he didn't know that yet. 


Kalila's POV:

Where was I? 

That was the first question of the day as my eyes focus on my surroundings to see that I was in the same room from earlier. I was slightly confused about what had happened, but apparently, I ended up in this room again. Softly, I sat up and felt my head pounding already from pain. It reminded me of what had happened last night. Altair was such a jerk. It was frustrating to even be near him and he was always underneath my skin. He was completely annoying as well. It drove me to the edge and he did whatever to me to black out. It made me feel more frustrated than ever. This was complete crap! 

Why did I have to put up with him? Why do I have to put with any of this? When was I allowed to leave this place and start searching for the pricks who were still out there murdering others like my parents, it was beyond frustrating. The door open and I sent a glare to the intruder who came into the room that I was in. Malik came walking in and his eyebrows were raised in slight surprise as he asked, "Did something happened while I was out?" 

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