Chapter: 7 Novice or not (Edited)

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Chapter: 7

Kalila's POV:

A couple of days have past and I don't remember a lot of them. It was something that blurred into the next day over and over again. My eyes had finally open to the morning sunlight that was pouring through the open windows. My ears pick up the sound of the door opening and the woman that had to help me previously had come back into the room. She gave me something to drink along with something to eat as well. Replenishing my thirst and hunger. A soft sigh escapes from my lips and she was kind enough to help me to my feet. Everything felt like it was spinning, but I managed to stand up on my own two feet. It felt better than laying on the makeshift bed again.

I had enough sleep and I needed to move. My entire body was restless and it made me almost wanted to scream. The woman lets go of my hand and made sure that I was standing up on my own two feet. My eyes watch her as she was watching me. Mainly to see if I would fall; if I took a step or if I ended up blacking out again. None of it happened and slowly, I took a step forward as the woman mirror my step. She walks backward with every step that I took. The dizziness faded away and relief washes over me. The woman was even relieved by her shoulders sagging and she looks over at me. Meeting my eyes before speaking, "At least your able to walk again even with your shoulder that is healing quite nicely."

I wanted to snap at her and tell her that it didn't take a brilliant person to figure that one out, but I didn't. My lips were sealed even as the worlds were bubbling up on my tongue. I manage to hold out from saying something incredibly rude to her and she was watching me closely again. With a nod of my head, I spoke in a soft agreement, "Yes."

The woman eyed me and she let out a soft sigh before speaking, "Come with me. It's time that we bathe you and get you into some new garments."

A scowl spread across my lips while hissing out between clench teeth, "I am not a child."

"I didn't ask if you were one or not, but you do smell foul. Would you like to stay that way as if you were a beggar on the streets?" She asked while raising an eyebrow up at me and her anger was there.

My hands clench into fists at my sides while glaring at her, "No, but I can do it myself."

"Do you know where the bath area is?" She asked me.

The woman got me right there and all I did was made a 'hmph' noise. Her lips form into a smug expression while beginning to lead me out of the room and down the hallway as well. My anger simmering underneath my skin and my eyes had narrow dangerously at the woman who had outsmarted me. I didn't take to well with losing when rising to a foolish challenge, but it didn't make me happy at all. It made me more annoyed than before and all I wanted to do was scream at her. I held my tongue as she leads me down the many hallways that were here. Some of the hallways were open just like the that I was in.

Acre city looks alive as the sun was shining down today and not the clouds that usually hang around this city for some reason. My eyes took in the details that were here and we went down a flight of stairs as I saw another hallway leading down a corridor. I heard other voices coming from somewhere around here, but I didn't know where they were coming from. Softly, my eyes were locked onto the woman who guided me through the hallways, but I didn't even know her name at all. We arrive at the bath area as she leads me into a large room that had a bathing stone that looks a lot like a pool or an oasis. My eyes could see the steam rising out of one already.

She must have the others whoever do this for me. Why show me such kindness? Maybe, I have been isolated for far too long and didn't even recognized the meaning of that term anymore. I wasn't sure at all, but it made me feel slightly guilty. The woman walks around me, but only to help undo my top garment and wanted to push her into the bath. I didn't do it and kept my anger in as she undid my top. The woman also undid my bandages as well. I undid the bottoms and I was starked naked. Feeling completely bare and vulnerable to the world before me.

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