Chapter: 18 Learning To Trust (Edited)

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Chapter: 18

Altair's POV: 

"Why wouldn't she tell us, Malik? She heard everything that basterd had said to her." I asked him quite frustrated and angry as well. That it doesn't make any sense at all for this woman to run away from this. Did she run away from her problems instead of facing them? I wouldn't be surprised to learn about that.

"You need to learn the meaning of patience, Altair." Malik gave me a look with a tired sigh while placing a vial or something back into his antidotes shelf before placing them in the cabinets beneath his bookcases.

I only scoffed at him while throwing my hands up, "You are no help at all."

Malik gave me a glaring look, "Remember Altair, we all have stories to tell that is ours. Give her time. She'll tell us when she is ready to open up. We can't force her on this matter." 

"Easier said than done," I muttered darkly. 

He shook his head, "You are impatient as ever."

We didn't say anything more to each other while I look to where she had gone and shook my head. "Are there any assignments that I could do while she is deciding on whether to tell us or not?"

Malik gave me a narrow look, "I have one. Deliver these to my clients, please." 

He handed over a stack of folded paper and a groan escape from my lips. He smirks at me while folding his arms across his chest, "Well, you ask for something to do. Now, go do it."

I only gave him a murderous look, but took the stupid stack of folded papers and left the bureau. Grumbling to myself about how tedious this all was. That the young woman was wasting their time. It was simple. All she had to do was tell us her story. It was that simple. We'll figure it out from there and try to find some connection to her mother or to her father. I shook my head as this was utterly ridiculous of her. It was completely foolish. A soft sigh escapes from my lips while I headed off to the first patron of Malik's.


The night was beautiful as it held many dangers lurking in the alleyways along with drunken men that had nothing to better to do. I didn't tell the two males of the dreams that I kept having. The constant wondering of what I could have done to prevent my parent's deaths, but what could a little girl do against the Templars like them? Absolutely nothing. It was frustrating to realize this as well. I was a little girl. There wasn't anything that I could, but it didn't mean that I could have tried something. I was clever when I was little. I am clever now as I was back then. 

The symbol that was decorated on Altair's red stash and Malik's bracers. It was familiar. For some reason, it had been haunting my mind lately. It didn't make any sense why the symbol kept interrupting my dreams and acting as a beacon to some unknown path that I am supposed to be on. It sounds absolutely rubbish when I think about it, but I am dreaming of it for some reason. There has to be a reason why.

Why am I dreaming of that symbol? 

I close my eyes and thought about it. Taking deep breaths to settle my thoughts, there was a thread that was there, but it was out of my reach. So, I follow it deep into my mind. The dreams that held that symbol as it was a beckon to me. That it was telling me something. Something that my unconscious was trying to tell me, right? Did I see that symbol before? Then it hit me. 


My childhood home was where I needed to go. Everything that I know was there. Was my little hut still there? Were my parent's things still there as well? I wouldn't know until I venture back to it. I wouldn't know anything until I get there. Maybe whatever is blocking my memory will come undone when I am there. When I am back there in my hut where so many happy memories were and so many sad memories were there. Along with my tragic parent's death as well. Now, the question will be how to escape from Altair and Malik? Should I bring them along? I don't know.

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