Chapter: 24 Personality and Planning

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Chapter: 24

Kalila's POV:

Everything was tumbling over and over again as my dreams were nothing, but a black void. Dancing upon the wind of nothing as I descended into it as I was stripped away from the world. Only to see two familiar figures racing into the room that I had gotten ambushed into. Now, I was spiraling into darkness and into a restless sleep. Darkness came. Then the light came. Then darkness came again. In and out. Soon, it faded and I was awake while blinking rapidly. The sunlight filtered through the arch windows and I realize where I was. I was back at the bureau and probably carried by Altair which wasn't surprising at all. 

Last night, I remember what had happened last night. The shocking words that I had heard and she did it purposely too. It was why she had stalled for time and not attacked Altair, but I wasn't sure why it was bothering me so much. With a deep frustrating breath that escapes from my lips, I lay there for a moment. The silence was welcoming, but I knew that I had to get up sooner or later. I didn't want to, but it wasn't like I was going anywhere at the moment. I couldn't help, but wonder what Malik is doing with Altair right now. My eyes went to the arch window and looks at the skies that were cloudy once more. 

The sun barely made it passed the clouds as I push myself up, but immediately felt the pain that wash over my entire body. It was because of last night and being thrown into that wooden wardrobe or whatever it was. I must have taken it harder than I had realized and my body ache from the landing. It wasn't long before I was able to push myself up onto my own two feet and was able to walk over to the door before slipping out of it. I didn't bother with my long midnight hair as it flow over my shoulders and down my back. I made my way out of there and down the steps. It was quiet. 

I made it to the main room, but Malik wasn't there and neither was Altair. That was strange. I look to the opening but didn't see anything there at all. That was strange. Usually, both of them were here. As I move the wrong way, the pain went through me as it made me grip the wall for support. With a couple of easy breaths, I managed to move my feet and made my way to the bathing chambers. It will help my aching muscles as I stepped through the steaming chambers. I undressed before slipping it into the water as it washes over my body. I tilted my head back against the ledge and let out a soft sigh that escape from my lips, I gaze up at the ceiling while closing my eyes for a moment.

The water felt great against my back and the rest of my body as well. It felt nice to sit here and not have to worried about anything at all. My body had become more relaxed and my muscles stop aching so much. The pain slowly left my body as I was able to fully unwind in the waters. At least the two men weren't here as this was quite pleasant, that I was here all alone, but taking my sweet time as well. I lather up my body while scrubbing at myself and massaging my muscles as best as I can. After soaking a little bit more and washing myself off, it was the moment that a man called my name before skidding straight into the bathing chambers, "Kalila!"

I cover myself immediately while ducking underneath the water while squealing loudly, "You pervert! Get out!" 

The man hit the wall on the far edge as I set a death glare over at him while taking the gods that my hair was able to cover the front of my chest even with my arms too. He regain his balance while Malik spoke from the doorway, "You scared us, Kalila. We didn't find you in your room and didn't know where you went too." 

"The same goes for you guys as well. Now, get Altair out of here!" I screeched at him.

Altair met my gaze head-on as he realize where I was and that I was not dressed at all, but I couldn't tell his reaction-thanks to that freaking hood on his head. He was straightening himself out from skidding across the floor because of how slick the floor was.  A smirk across his lips, but I pointed to the doorway, "Out!"

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