Chapter: 12 Her Savior (Edited)

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Chapter: 12

Kalila's POV: 

Darkness. That's all I can see.

Voices. They sound so far away from me.

I am stumbling blindly through this darkness and trying to find any way out of this. Out of this mess and to survive. I want to live. Let me live. I have so much that is unaccomplished. So many things that I need to do still. My body still felt like it was on fire and burning me from the inside out. It was torturous and the heat was unbearable. Something had a death grip on me and it wasn't going to let me go so easily. I was the prisoner and there was no way that it was going to let me survive. Not when I was failing to keep myself alive. 


Altair's POV:

I broke the door's lock as I retracted my blade into it's hidden sheath. Malik went in first after pushing me out of the way and I immediately follow after him. Not knowing what to expect in the storage room full of crates and other things that Malik kept in here. My eyes landed on a female body that I knew too well. A pale stricken expression was on her face as her eyes were closed and Malik rush to her side. "Altair, antidotes in the safety cabinet." 

"What?" I asked him as I wasn't sure that I heard him correctly as my eyes were focused on the woman who was gripping her hands tightly into a fist. Turning her knuckles white and squeezing her eyes as if she was in pain. 

Maliks snapped, "She has been poison. Antidotes. Now!" 

I didn't hestiate this time and did as he says. I rush over to the cabinet and got the antidote bottles that he always keeps on hand. Just in cases like this. It was meant for me when I get into fights especially dirty fights that involve poison, but it was rare. Rare for any time of poison to appeared. Now, we have a case on our hands. Who would do this to Kalila? I didn't think too much on it and hurried over to where she was along with Malik that was waiting patiently. Even though, his face was struck with panic. 

He had a steady hand while going through the vials before picking out the one, but he glances at her. His eyes surveying her as to making sure that he gave her the right antidote. Now, I would have to find more ingredients for him to use to make the antidotes. Oh well, Kalila's life was on the line right now. That's all that matters at this point. Nothing else. Malik popped the top before lining the edge of the vial up with her lips. Pushing it against her lips and letting the liquid slide into her mouth and down her throat. 

She chokes on the antidote but manages to swallow the liquid. Malik let out a soft sigh of relief before popping the top back into place. We watch as her hands were able to relax and not be knotted into a fist. A soft sigh escapes from my lips while seeing that she was able to be alive. Malik gathers the wooden thing with his vials before standing up. "Take her to her room and then start an investigation immediately on who did this to her."

I nodded my head as I walk over to her and gather her in my arms. Lifting her as if she weighed nothing at all. Her rolled to lay against my chest and for a minute I pause to glance down at her. Her voice came through, but it was faint, "Altair..."

It surprises me, but I shook my head and look away before walking out of the storage unit. My eyes taking in the scene around me. Nothing was out of the ordinary except the lock that was damaged thanks to me, but someone had locked it. Someone had purposely done this to her and maybe, I'll find more answers in her room. 

Malik had disappeared as I went upstairs. Heading back to where her room was located at and lay her down on the makeshift bed. Her breathing was even and her facial expression was peaceful right now. My eyes went to the tray that was there and the paper that was there. She didn't touch the food, but only the paper. With my throwing dagger, I stabbed the piece of paper before bringing it to me. I smell the paper and faintly, there was a sickly smell on it. I lay the throwing knife on the tray while relaxing. 

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