Chapter: 27 There Are Surprises Everywhere

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Chapter: 27

Altair's POV: 

"Well that went soothingly, don't you think Malik?" I asked him with a smirk on my lips. 

He gave me a seething look almost the same one that Kalila gave me earlier, "Shut up, Altair." 

Malik went back to the counter while blowing out the air between his lips and running his hand over his really short black hair. He gritted his teeth together as he was angry which was an odd sight to see considering Malik has been the calmest out of the three of them. It seems that Kalila must have hit something inside of him as well. The man rubbed the back of his neck I could practically see the gears turning in his head. The man hummed softly to himself with a tilt of his head, "We need to do better than this."

I snorted, "I kind of find it funny considering she is right."

Malik gave me that seething look while speaking, "You were insulted too."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Oh well, it's not like I have been insulted before. She might be ready for some actual training. You did send her on a mission today, didn't you?"

Malik's anger seem to fade away as he realized the same thing that I had come to the same conclusion as well. His eyebrows unfurrowed from each other while a contemplating look came across his face as he tilted his head to the side. His dark eyes fell on my form again while speaking, "For once you are thinking with your head, Altair."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Thank you." I smirked at him.

He only rolled his eyes at me before looking over at the staircase where Kalila had disappeared too. Both of us were silent as I knew he was thinking something over with that calculated look in his eyes. A lot of things were up in the air at the moment with that woman, but we couldn't afford to waste any more time. The Templars are looking for her and whoever told them of the rumors about her. They were going to get a blade to the gut. The moment that I hunt them down and make them pay. Malik spoke, "Very well. I'll trust you with the training and I'll teach her assassin's creed tenants. Maybe, she will be a better student than you."

A wicked smirk spread across my lips, "Not if I have anything to do with it."

Malik narrows his eyes at me, "I suggest don't push her. You do remember when she snapped, right?"

How could I ever forget the way that woman came after me? The fire in her eyes, the rage that was clearly on her face. The way that she moved had thrown me off guard as well, but I still had the upper hand on her. "A challenge, I like that." 

He sighs heavily, "Don't say that I didn't warn you."

"So, should I go up there or do you want to do the honors, Malik?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

Malik narrow his eyes at me but glanced to the stairs. He gave a wicked grin in return, "If you want to face her again after the insult she had thrown at you, by all means, go ahead."

With that being said, Malik disappeared into the back as I glance at the stairs. With a heavy sigh that escape from my lips, I made my way up the stairs to where the room was. The one where she was occupying it. Many thoughts race through my mind, but I only focus on one thing. One thing only that was telling Kalila that I will still be training her. The spit-fire will surely have another tantrum and I couldn't wait to see the angry expression on her face.

I had reached the room and opened the door slowly, not expecting her to say anything or acknowledge me. The only thing that I wasn't expecting was the fact that she was sleeping. The woman was sleeping soundly on the makeshift bed. Slowly, my feet move forward without any hesitation at all. I kneeled beside the makeshift bed while gazing down at the beautiful woman lying there. I tilted my head to the side with an admiring look at her as I gently move a couple of loose strands away from her face. She didn't change into a shift but was sleeping in her robes. 

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