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Yume stared at her ceiling, watching as the morning light slowly spread across the cracked paint. She didn't want to get up—Dabi's harsh words from the night before dirtying her conscious. Though she acted like she didn't care, deep down that it ruined her. Sure, maybe a month ago she would've actually preferred to stay in the shadows..but now that she got a taste of the field, it was all she wanted.

As she brushed her teeth a rogue thought popped into her head. Who says I need Dabi at all? I mean, it seems that all he wants to do is keep me caged up and doing the actual work while he gets to go out and fight. Subconsciously, she had began to furiously rake the toothbrush against her teeth—the aching of her gums breaking her from the entrancing thought. She genuinely appreciated Dabi and the connection they had but recently it seemed like there was a strain in their dynamic. Maybe it was time for her to go solo? She shook her head to push away the thought before walking into the kitchen, expecting to be greeted with Dabi's patchwork face.

Instead, she was met with an empty house. He had gone out without her again; something which was once unusual, but now habit. While chewing the lazy breakfast which she had just whipped up, she reluctantly came upon a decision.

Dabi no longer needed her, and she no longer needed Dabi. Though it hurt, it was the reality of her situation and she couldn't bear to live it any longer. She snatched up a scrap of paper, dragging the ink of an old pen across it—writing a final note to Dabi. She could never hate him  and she made sure to let him know in the letter—throwing the pen behind her as she left the note on the kitchen table before exiting the run down building.

She didn't get out much other than the occasional grocery trip or other small chores so the gravity of her newfound freedom hit her like a brick. It was still pretty early in the morning so it felt as if she had the entire world to herself. She blindly walked to the edge of the city, reaching the start of a forest-covered hill which had some sort of swanky institution placed at its apex. Now equipped with all the freedom in the world; Yume shoved past the 'no trespassing' signs and she trudged up the hill.

As the pure morning light spilled through the foliage around her, the call of various birds punctuated every step she was beautiful. 

Suddenly, her state of repose was interrupted by a loud 'BOOM'—sending a small rodent skittering past her in fear.

Yume's curiosity had officially been piqued as she steadily continued in the direction of the startling noise—making sure to always have some sort of immediate cover (incase she stumbled across an unpleasant situation). As she got closer, she heard the faint sound of people talking. Fully submitting to her curiosity, she lowered her breath and came to a stop—listening in on the conversation.

"Hey, hair-for-brains! How do you expect to defeat villains if you can't even get past one of my explosions?!" a rough voice blurted out, resulting in a response from the second, much calmer, voice.

"Chill man! Remember, we're just warming up before combat lessons with All Might today. No need to get all hardcore!"

All Might? As in the hero that Dabi was always blabbering about? As in the symbol of peace???What 'class' did these guys have with All Might? The surprise caused a shift in her weight, prompting the plants around her to rustle. Shit.

"Dude..did you hear that?"

"Dumbass, it's just an animal. We're in a forest." the rougher voice spat, seemingly irritated with whoever he was with. 

"Oh right."

Yea that's right... just an animal. Yume sighed out in relief before quickly stifling the trail end of her breath with her hand. Okay someone has to seriously shut her up.


"SHUT YOUR TRAP, SHITTY HAIR." the agitated voice roared before a blast hit the bush beside Yume, causing her to fall back from the impact—her cover blown.

"See there's.." A blonde haired boy stared at her before he could finish his sentence, an unreadable look on his face as he stood in brief silence.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" the blonde yelled, his powerful voice causing any bird in the vicinity to retreat as his red headed companion stood there with his jaw slightly open.

"I'm sure you'd like to know." Yume shot back as she stood up, a disgruntled look on her face as she brushed the grime off her body.

"Yea, actually, we really would." the red head cut in, a look of curiosity on his face—his body tense with high guard.

"I was on a walk, and blondie over here almost blew me to bits." Yume lied, assuming this was a better way to get information than to admit to her eavesdropping.

"Who the hell are you calling blondie, shit face?" Mr. Spikey-Hair growled, obviously not enjoying her attitude.

"Hey wait a second.." the redhead's eyes grew wide before continuing "..aren't you that new villain from TV...Dust Bunny or whatever?" Yume watched as his skin hardened into a rock-like material. She had forgotten that her face was all over the news.

"Uhh..." she started before being cut off again by the angry one. "Oh yea, you're right. It's the dust bitch who was fighting Hawks last night." Welp. There was no gaslighting her way out of this one.

"Watch who you're calling a bitch, blondie." Her hair rose as her feet parted from the ground— sending a jab of wind towards the boys. They were fast and both dodged it; only a bit of the wind hitting them.

"What do you want with UA?!" the red one powerfully inquired, his feet digging into the ground beneath him. Yume paused, perplexed at the mention of UA.

"UA..? Like the high school? What about it?" Her frame relaxed as her thoughts were replaced with confusion. The two responded with blank expressions—the blondes' eye slightly twitching.

"You're on the UA campus right now, that's our main building right over there.." The redhead pointed hesitantly at the institution behind them. She had no idea...but as her gaze switched between the campus and the boys, everything made sense. 

"Oh! This just seems to be a big misunderstanding then, I had no intention of interfering with your little school."

The bitchy one scoffed, "Like hell we would believe a story like that—and even if it were true, you're still a loser ass villain!" as he yelled, small sparks started to grow from his palms...

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