Pool I

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"We're here!" Mina announced, turning to face the group as she stopped in front of the gate surrounding the pool. "Uh Mina, the gate is locked.." Kirishima hesitantly added. A frown began to grow on Mina's face but Yume cut it short.

"Relax, I got this." she said reassuringly as she nonchalantly walked up to the gate— which towered over her 5'4 stature. She up pumped her calves a bit before briskly propelling herself over the gate, now on the other side where the lock resided. She lowered herself to the level of the lock and pulled a pin out from her hair, holding it in her mouth as she replaced its purpose with a hair tie. She then picked the lock, proudly watching as the gate swung open. She waited for applause which never came. Bakugo shoved his way through, Mina and Sero laughing nervously at the reminder of her criminal past.

"Thanks Hokori!" gushed before promptly cannonballing into the faintly illuminated water. A hush sharply escaped Mina's mouth before she spoke.

"Kirishima we're supposed to be quiet!"

"Chillax Mina, if someone were here they would've already stopped us!" Mina paused, thinking about the statement before laughing and jumping into the water as well. Yume laughed watching the two mess around, as she looked away from them, her gaze drifted to Bakugo who was already staring at her. Instead of breaking eye contact, like most would, he kept his gaze on hers until Yume looked back to the pool.

"Hokori get in here! Do you wanna be my partner for chicken fight?" Kirishima offered as Yume slipped into the glowing water. She accepted his offer, climbing on his strong shoulders. As Kirishima raised himself up, Yume rocked a bit—causing her inner thighs to squeeze his neck.

"Don't worry Hokori I got you!" Kirishima said reassuringly as he felt her body tense up. As Mina and Denki rose from the water, Yume prepared for the fight—Sero counting down from three.

Kirishima charged first, Yume digging her hands into his hair to remain stable. As she came in contact with Mina she sent out a gust of wind along with a push, causing Mina and Denki to topple over.

Kirishima jumped in victory. Praising Yume for getting them the win. As he bounced up and down, he held onto her thighs, securing her position on his shoulders. Though the action was seemingly pure, the grip Kirishima had on her thighs made Yume heat up. As he lowered her back into the water, his hands moved from her thighs and to her waist, her hands sliding down his bicep.

The lack of intent in his eyes made her feel guilty for enjoying his touch, but she couldn't help it. She was becoming so touch deprived. Bakugo  had now also entered the pool, he was lecturing an uninterested Mina and Denki on how much they sucked at chicken fight.

"Well then go against us if you're so good Bakugo!" Denki challenged, Bakugo not skipping a beat as he turned to Yume. "Get on my shoulders." He demanded. She wanted to win again so she did as he said, pushing his shoulders down as she climbed onto him. His back was a bit more muscular compared to Kirishima's and this time, she didn't feel unstable as Bakugo rose from the water. His rough hands were latched onto her thighs, somehow his touch felt different...more intentional. But it was likely just his need to win.

Like Kirishima, Bakugo charged first—Denki doing the same. Mina and Yume pushed against eachother, laughing as they struggled to knock the other off balance. Yume heard a sizzle from below and suddenly Mina was falling, her back hitting the water.

"That's how it's done." Bakugo announced, his grip on Yume never faltering. "Okay now that we've won you can let me down dumbass." She teased. "Okay then." he laughed before tilting backwards and letting go of Yume, casing her to crash into the water as well.

"You're going to regret that blondie!" Yume squealed as she resurfaced from the water, jutting towards Bakugo, aiming a punch at his chest. He caught her wrist causing her to quickly rase the other, which he anticipated and also caught. She shimmied her body, trying to get him to release so she could hit him, consequently bringing his body closer to hers. She continued to struggle, a smirk growing on his face as he watched her squirm. Neither of them realized how close they were getting until Yume felt her breasts press up against Bakugo's bare chest.

The contact made the back of her neck grow hot as Bakugo quickly dropped her wrists and backed away. His head now turned away from her, his nose scrunched as he tried to hold back the blush which was trying to creep onto his face. Yume's mouth hung open a bit in surprise as she tried to figure out what to say. Luckily, Kirishima roped them into a conversation before it could get even more awkward.

Yume tried to focus but the feeling of her body against Bakugo seemed to linger on her skin, she rubbed her hands against her sides, trying to get the feeling to go away. Yume didn't dare to look in Bakugo's direction.

The group was now out of the pool and sitting in a circle by the water, Yume sat with them, leaning back on her palms. As she laughed with Mina, she found herself leaning into Kirishima, his body doing the same. She felt safe next to him and for the first time in a while, she didn't mind the unintentional contact. But maybe that was because on purpose? Whatever the case, it was nice.

As the group began to walk back to the dorms, Yume felt the water drip from the ends of her hair and onto the rest of her body. As the wind hit her body, she shivered. As she did, she felt a towel land on her head, obstructing her vision. She wrapped it around her cold body and turned to see who threw it at her and she saw Kirishima smiling at her...

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